HCA 13/72 f.605r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.605r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first article hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
the producent Giles Marcellis having often seene him upon the
Exchange at Amsterdam and saith that hee and the producent
Issac hermans were and are commonly accompted dutchmen
Inhabitants and House keepers of Amsterdam and Subiects of
the States of the United Netherlands
which hee knoweth being alsoe an Inhabitant of the same citie
And further hee cannot depose.

To the second hee saith hee hath often heard to the effect arlate namely
that the said producents merchants of Amsterdam drive a greate trade
by way of merchandizing betwixt that citie and the Canaries
and other parts in the dominion of Spaine and have correspondents

To the third and fourth articles hee saith that hee well knoweth the arlate
Cornelius [?Snyshens] who hee saith is a dutch merchant resident at
Santa Cruse and correspondent of the producents, and in the moneth of
July last or thereabouts did there lade aboard the said shipp the Liesda
or Love as factor and for the account proper of the said producents three
thousand one hundred eightie and foure peeces of Campechia wood
and consigned the same for Amsterdam, there to be delivered to the
said producents or their order for their use and account, which hee
knoweth for that hee this deponent master of the said shipp received the
same aboard her, and for the other reasons followeing.

To the fifth and sixth articles and schedules annexed hee saith
that after and upon the said lading hee this deponent master
aforesaid signed three bills of lading all of one tenour for the
same, and left two of them with the said Cornelius, and brought
the third in a letter from the said Cornelius directed to the said producents at Amsterdam, and saith that the bill of lading and letter
annexed now showed unto him was and is the same bill and letter soe
by this deponent received of the said Cornelius, and directed as aforesaid
and that the said bill was (with the said oher two) soe signed by this deponent
at Santa Cruse upon the lading of the said Campecha wood, namely on or
about the day of the sate thereof and the contents thereof were and
are true and soe had and donne as therein is contained, and that the said
letter annexed was and is the same letter of the said Cornelius soe delivered
to this deponent and wherein the said bill was inclosed, And otherwise
saving as aforesaid hee cannot answer.

To the seaventh and 8th hee saith that after the lading of the said wood aboard
the said shipp shee departed therewith from Santa Cruse for Amsterdam, and
that in her course comming neare dover shee was on the thirtieth of
August last (new stile) met with surprized and taken by a frigot
of this commonwealh commannded by Captaine Richard Rose, and
by the English Admirall sent into the River of Thames, and that at the time of the said
seizure, all the said Campecha wood as alsoe the said letter and bill
of lading were aboard her and came all to the hands of the said Captaine
who after the said letter was broken open an dthe contents understood
by the Admirall [?XXX] delivered and the bill back to this deponent, And further
hee cannot depose.
