HCA 13/72 f.604v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 604 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/12/02 |
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To the Interrogatories on the behalfe of His Highnesse./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first and 2d hee saieth, That hee cometh to declare the trueth of his
knowledge touching the goods in question at the request of the said
Thomas Burrage, and expecteth not nor is promised any benefitt by or
upon the restitution interrate, and hath knowne the said Burrgae the
producent in person onely for some few daies last past and formerly not
otherwise, then according to the relation of the said John Casely in [?XXX]
time as the outwards lading predeposed was taken into the said shipp and
that this deponent signed bills of lading for the same to the effect aforesaid
To the third hee saith that hee this deponent was not present in the
taking of the Tunnage interrate, and referring himselfe to his precedent
deposition to the Allegation in this Cause he saieth he cannot further depose/
To the fowerth Interrogatorie he saieth, That he this examinate hath
no other knowledge of the factor interrate then onely upon the
occasion predeposed, and that the said factor is, as this deponent beleeveth
a Native Spaniard. And further he saieth he cannot depose
To the fifth hee saieth That he is well assured, That Lawrence
Reynerson this deponents Steeresman did by this deponents order
receive the wynes aforesaid on board the said shipp, and tooke
the markes thereof, and that thereupon he this deponent did, as
it is usuall signe bills of lading as aforesaid for the same for the
accompt as therein expressed, and knoweth not that ny Spaniard
or Subject of the King of Spaine hath any interest in the same
To the 6th hee saieth hee referreth himselfe to his producent
deposition: And further or otherwise cannot depose./
To the 7th Interrogatorie hee saieth, That hee this deponent signed t[?three]
bills of lading interrate as aforesaid, and that in the house or
lodging of one John Rouse an English Merchant at Oratabo
at or upon teh day therein expressed and not elswhere or
otherwise; And referring himselfe to the said bill of lading
now exhibited and to his precedent deposition hee saieth hee cannot
further or otherwise depose.
Peter Binnewysent [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 23th of September 1658
The claime of Giles Marsellis and}
Jaspar harments Merchants of Amsterdam}
for their goods in the Liesda alias Love}
Examined upon an allegation on behalfe
of the said claimers.
Gerret Crab of Amsterdam Mariner
master of the said shipp the Love or Liesda
aged 26 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined