HCA 13/72 f.604r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.604r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the third and fowerth articles of the said Allegation and
to the schedule or bill of lading to the said Allegation annexed hee saith, That
the said Bartholomew Leon the factor aforesaid did in or about the
moneth of June 1658. last past lade or cause to be laden in and on
board theis deponents said shipp then lyeing at or neere the Port of
Oratava in the Island of Teneriffe allate being one of the Canary
Islands the full number of nynety fower pipes of Canary wynes
to witt eighty pipes of the said wynes of the first marke and


number in the margent, and eight more of the said wynes
of the second marke and number in the margent, and one pipe more


of the like wyne marked with the third marke and number


in the margent of this Allegation sett forth as also five other pipes
of the like wynes marked severally with the two last markes and
numbers in the margent of the bill of lading annexed sett forth
and as therein is to be seene, all to be transported from thence
in the said shipp to this Port of London and here to be delivered
unto the said Thomas Burrage and Companie according to the tenour of the said
bill of lading annexed, which this deponent declareth and affirmeth
to be one of the three bills of lading of one tenour which he this
deponent at or about the time of the lading of the said pipes
wyne did with his owne hand writing really and truely signe
for the receipt and delivery of the said goods according to the
tenour of the said bill of lading, whereunto this deponent referreth
himnselfe, And further to theise articles or schedule he cannot
depose, saving that the said schedule as to the quantities and markes
of the severall pipes of wyne therein mentioned was and is
of this deponents certaine knowledge reall and true, and also in all the
other contents thereof, saving that as to the matter of the severall
proprieties of the said wynes hee cannot more absolutely or fully
depose then as is by him predeposed and in the said bill of lading

To the fifth he saieth, That the arlate Thomas Burrage and Company
Claymers in this Cause are commonly and generally reputed Merchants
and inhabitants of this City of London and Subjects of this Commonwealth
And that the said Bartholomew de Leon was and is an inhabitant
of Teneriffe aforesaid and factor there for the said Burrage and
Companie, as this deponent hath understood by the premisses And
further he cannot depose

To the last he saieth his foregoing deposition is true/