HCA 13/72 f.525r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 525 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 01/12/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5378.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/12/01 |
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Postilain was goeing in for Bantam) which shipps fired divers
gunnes with bulletts at the Postilian, some of which shott came
very neere the Postilian and the sayd shipps followed the Postilian
till shee Anchored in Bantam Roade, and then all save one of them stood
off againe for Pollipan Jan, and that one sjipp anchored soe
neere in Bantam Roade to the Postilian that shee came within pistoll
shott of her, and soe lay off and on during the whole tyme the
Postilian continued at Bantam this hee deposeth of certayne knowledge
being master of the Postilian as aforesayd And further cannot depose/
To the 5th Interrogatorie hee saith that the Postilian being come to
Anchor in Bantam Roade hee this deponent with assistance of one
Samuell Card this deponents Purser having authority equally from
the Interrogate delboe Middleton Temms, Britton Taylor and Syon soe to doe did at
Bantam dispose of the sayd shipps outward Cargoe to divers
English merchants there for Accompt of the sayd delboe Middleton
Temms Britton Taylor and Syon and tooke in pepper for their Accompt and some
pepper and other goods for Accompt of this deponent and his sayd shipps company
and for Accompt of the English East India Company and having soe done departed out of Bantam Roade peaceably
and quietly therewith and with three thousand two hundred and odd peeces of Eight which shee brought from England bound for Europe And further hee deposeth not/
To the 6th Interrogatorie hee saith that the Postilian being come
with her sayd homewards ladeing about three leagues from
Bantam Roade, shee was then chased by fower dutch shipps belonging
as afterwards appeared to the dutch East India Company and after
a while shee was mett with by a dutch ffrigott called the
Amsterdam (Cornelius [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Master of her) who seeing
the other fower dutch shipps chase the Postilian thereupon made
divers shott with bulletts at the Postillian many whereof peirced the hull
and tore and spoiled the sayles and tackleing of the Postilian, and
coming up beerer commanded this deponent to come aboard him
and by violence disposessed this deponent and Company of the
sayd shipp and her ladeing and the other fower ducth shipps coming
up with the Postilian the Commanders of the sayd dutch shipps
put men of their owne aboard the Postilian and the Captaine of
the Amsterdam tooke this deponent and divers of his Company
prizoners aboard his shipp of warr the Amsterdam aforesayd
and at this deponents coming aboard her told this deponent that
it was truth hee had done noe more (meaning in shooteing at and
seizing the Postilian and her ladeing) than hee could answere
but desyred this deponent to excuse him for that hee was but
a servant and sayd that if hee had not done hee (their Admirall) one
of the fower shipps who gave chase being in sight) hee must have lost
his head And hee saith the Postilian and her ladeing being in hostile