HCA 13/72 f.524v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 524 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 01/12/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5377.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/12/01 |
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To the third Interrogatorie hee saith that the Postillion came with
her outward Ladeing taken in at London neere unto Bantam and being
come neere thither was mett with on or about the twelfth of Aprill one thousand sixe hundred fifty seaven by a dutch shipp called the Sea
hound manned with a dutch Captaine and dutch sea man, the Captaine
of which shipp the Sea hound (having first haled the Postillion and
demanded of this deponent whether shee was bound and whence shee
came and being answered by this deponent that shee came from London
and was bound to Bantam there to deliver her ladeing and to relade
there and returne therewith for Europe) came aboard the Postillion
accompanied with some other of his officers and being come aboard
and understanding by this deponent that the Postilian was bound to
Bantam to trade the sayd Captaine of the Seahound told this deponent
in presence of divers of the Company of this deponents sayd shipp
that shee must not goe in to Bantam to trade, for that the dutch had
a warr with the King of bantam, whereto this deponent replyed
and sayd thus or the like in effect, what is your warr to the English
nation must they therefore bee hindered to trade there at their
owne factory and withall this deponent then demanded of the
sayd Captaine of the Sea hound what Commission or authority
hee had to hinder the English from foeing into Bantam whereto
the sayd dutch Captaine replyed and sayd hee had none and that
what hee did was only by the way of entreaty whereupon this
deponent replyed and told the sayd ducth Captaine that in case hee
would give him this deponent assurance in writeing under his
hand that hee this deponent should have as good price at Batavia
(whether the sayd dutch captaine required the Postilian and her ladeing
to goe) for his outward Cargo of the Postilian as the same would
then yeild at Bantam and have goods at Battavia to relade the
sayd shipp Postilian at the same rate as they were then to bee had for
at Bantam hee this deponent would bee content to goe and would
goe with him to Batavia, and not goe to Bantam, whereto the sayd
sucth Captaine answered and sayd hee could not nor would give this deponent
any such assurance And those words passed betwixt this deponent
and the sayd dutch Captaine in the English tongue aboard the Postilian
in presence of the greatest part of the Company of the Postillion And
further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot depose/
To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith that after the sayd dutch Captaine
was gone from aboard the Postilian the sayd shipp the Postilian
with her sayd outward lading (being when the Sea hound left
Company about five leagues short of Bantam) made for
Bantam and gott thither, but was in her passage
thither chased by the Sea hound aforesayd and five other ducth shipps which
the Sea hound buy fireing some gunnes had given notice to that the