HCA 13/72 f.525v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 525 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 07/01/2018 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5379.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2018/01/07 |
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manner as aforesayd seized the sayd dutch Captaines [?caused]
this deponent ad his Company to be carried prizoners
to Batavia and carried the sayd shipp and her ladeing thither alsoe
and this deponent and his Company being come thither, this deponent was
kept a Prizoner aboard a shipp called the derrick[?lean] (in which hee
was brought thither) eight dayes before hee was permitted to goe
ashoare, and being come ashoare this deponent and the foresayd
Samuell Card were carried before Generall John Matsooker the
Generall of the dutch East India Company and his Councell
who after examination committed this deponent and the sayd Carde
Clase prizoners to the Castle of Batavia and sett a Centry
upon them day and night and permitted them not in five or sixe
weekes tyme to speake with any of the Company of the Postilion
and as the souldiers themselves related they had order from the
sayd Generall soe to doe And hee saith that for the first three nights
of such their imprizonment they had nothing to lye upon but
the pavement of brick, and their dyet for a moneths tyme was
for the most part reddish topps and their drinke for the most part
water, and afterwards when any of the Company of the
Postillian were admitted to speake with this deponent or the
sayd Card a Souldier that could speake English did con=
tinually attend to heare and observe what discourse passed
betweene them, or else they were not to be admitted to speake
with them and afterwards liberty being grnnted to this deponent
and the sayd Card twice a weeke to goe out of the Castle into the
town of Batavia two souldiers with their musketts laden
and lighted matches continually attended upon them during he
tyme of their imprizonment which was six moneths and
about tenn dayes, to heare and observe whatsoever was spoken
by them while they were abroad And hee further saith that his
Company (as they related to him this deponent) were during the
tyme they stayed at Batavia very evell entreated and
allowed nothing but Rice and water in soe much that eight of them of this deponents knowledge dyed, and as hee beleeveth through [?XXXXX] [#]
[#] want of good foode
And further hee deposeth not
To the 7th Interrogatorie hee saith that during the tyme of his
this deponents Imprisonment aforesayd hee did severall tyme
desyre of the Generall aforesayd by letters and sometymes
by words omouth that hee would be pleased to afford him this
deponent the liberty of having Councell and the helpe of a
Notary publique at Batavia that hee might advise with
them what was requisite to be done for clearing himselfe
and the sayd shipp and ladeing which was denyed him by the sayd
Generall, but saith that afterwards the Court of Judicature there who
sate by Authority of the sayd Generall did tell this deponent that
hee should have liberty to choose one to pleade his cause touching
the sayd shipp and ladeing, whereupon this deponent presently made [?XXXX]
of the Interrogate Seignior Vernate