HCA 13/72 f.504r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.504r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


with surprized and seized by a certaine number or Squadron
of shipps in the service of the Lords the States of the United
Provinces or their Subjects, and by the Captaines Command:rs
and Companies of the said shipps they were by
force taken for and as the shipps and goods of the king of Portu-
-gall and of his Subjects, and under the notion of thegoods of the
enemies of the said Lords, the States of the United Provinces and
their Subjects, And the Captaines Commanders and Companies of
the said Dutch shipps, or severall of them did in this deponents presence
and hearing declare and affirme at the time of the seizure aforesaid
that they were Dutch men and Subjects of the Lords the States
aforesaid. The premisses he deposeth upon the grounds and reasons
of knowledge heretofore by him declared and expressed in his
examination to and upon the precents articles of this Allegation
and more saith not:-

To the nyneth Article hee saieth, That the Captaines Commanders
and Companies of the said Dutch shipps or some of them upon
the sizure of the said shipp the ffortune and her Lading aforesaid
did unduely and by force at Sea take and plunder out of the said
shipp about seaven and twenty Chests of sugar, and carried and
brought the same on board one of the said Dutch men of warr
wherein this deponent then was a prisoner and there did see and
observe the said passage or transaction. And more saieth not
to this article.

To the tenth article hee saieth, That when the said sugars were
Laden and putt on board the said shipp the fortune at the
Bahia aforesaid he this Deponent as Master of the
said shipp did signe severall bills of lading for the same, being bill
all of one tenor to witt for each ?distinct parcell and propertie
of the said goods, and that some of the said bills and also diverse
other papers Invoyces Letteres Cocquetts and writings which concerned
the said shipp and hee said Lading weree brought in the said shipp
from the Bahia and ffernambuco aforesaid and were to be
delivered to severall persons in Lisbone, in and by which the
distinct and severall persons to whom the said goods were
severally to be delivered were sett downe, And this deponent further
saieth That all the said papers writings Invoyces, bills of Lading
letteres and Cocquetts or other Documents whatsoever to the said shipps
Lading belonging and in her brought from the Bahia and fernambuco,
aforesaid, were on board the said shipp the ffortune at the time
of the seizure aforesaid, and that the same and all others the
writings of the said shipp were then taken and carried away
by the