HCA 13/72 f.504v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 504 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 23/08/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5335.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/08/23 | |
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Edited on 17/07/2017 by Colin Greenstreet |
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by the Captaines Command and Company of the said
Dutch shipps or by some of them, as this deponent being a sufferer
in the said seizure doeth by sadd experience knowe, as also that
some of the said seizors did by force and unduely take out and
carry away the said writings from and out of the said shipp the
fortune from the Master and Companie thereof, by meanes
whereof, and for that there is no conveyance of Letters from
Lisbone to London by the ordinarie poast, but onely by sea, and
is long and tedioous, the distinct specificall and particular proprietie
of every person to every part of the said lading cannot for the
present be distinctely and specifically sett downe; as this deponent saith
he well knoweth, and that it is as he conceiveth, a trueth which is
obvius to any ordinary Judgement And more to this article he saith not
To the eleaventh article of the said Allegation hee saith, That the said
shipp the fortune togeather with all the rest of the said sugars
and other her Lading which was not taken out of her as aforesaid
by the said Captaines Commanders and Companies of the said
Dutch shipps or by some of them, have since by the said seizors
or by some of them beene brought into Plimouth in the dominion
of this Commonwealth, as it is publique and notorious, where the
originall propertie of the same still remaining in the Brazeele
Companie and others the Subjects of the king of Portugall, the
same have at their suite beene Lawfully arrested by warrant
of this Court as belonging to them in point of propertie, and the
same goods have beene since by Commission of this Court unladen
out of the said shipp and the quantities and numbers and markes
of the same have beene togeather with the said Commission retourned
into the said Court where the same remaine, as this deponent verily beleeveth, and
for his further certainty therein this deponent referreth himselfe
unto the Acts and proceedings of this Court in reference to the
premisses, And more to this article he saieth not/
To the Last hee saieth, That his foregoeing deposition is true
Examined by the Interpretation and
upon the oath of George Whiller [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]
//Cyprian Pachao [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]