HCA 13/72 f.473r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.473r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


de Morais and Jeronimo and Raphael Rodrigues Lamego
concerning the said designe and transaction, and for that this deponent
hath beene privy to and well acquainted with the passages concerning the
same. And further to this Article he deposeth not/

To the fowerth article hee saieth, That hee well knoweth that the arlate
Antonio Rodrigues de Morais and Jeronimo and Raphael
Rodrigues Lamego were and at this present are the factors Agents
and Correspondents of the said Antonio fernandez Carvajal and
that they the said factors and Correspondents in the yeares 1655.
1656. and 1657. arlate were and at present are indebted and
ingaged to the said fernandez Carvajal in the summe or value of
two thousand pounds lawfull money of England at the least, as this
deponent hath seene and observed by the said fernandez his bookes of
accompts, and by bills of exchange from time to time drawne upon
him by his said Correspondents, And this deponent further saieth,
That hee is fully perswaded that for all the time aforesaid, the
said Policarpio de Oliveyra was the factor Agent and
Corresponden of the said Antonio Rodrigues de Morais and
Jeronimo and Raphael Rodrigues Lamego, as this deponent hath seene
and observed by severall letters of Correspondence impor[XXX] so much, as also
by missives of the said Antonio Rodrigues de Morais and Jeronimo
and Raphael Rodrigues Lamego sent to the said ffernandez at or about
the time of the hiring and lading of the said shipp with fish, (which
Letters this deponent saw and observed the Contents thereof) by which it sufficiently
appeared to him this deponent that the said Policarpio de Oliveira
was indebted, or had goods and effects or monies in his hands
to a very considerable value of and belonging to the said Antonio
Rodrigues de Morais and Jeronimo and Raphael Rodrigues
Lamego, but the certaine valew or quantitie of such monies goods
and effects this deponent saieth he is not privy to. And further to this
Article hee deposeth not./

To the fifth article hee saieth, That in the said Letters missives soe
as aforesaid sent unto the said fernandez by his said Correspondents,
and which this deponent did see and was made privy to, or by some or
one of them, the said fernandez received of and from his said Correspondents
an Order directed to their said Agent Policarpio de Oliveyra
importing that the said de Oliveira should furnish and supply
the said mr fernandez with such moneys, as hee should stand
in need of for the buying and lading of sugars shumacke and
Tobaccoes on board the said shipp the New England Merchant
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