HCA 13/72 f.472v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.472v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to be in a lading of fish and to carry the same to Porto Porto
in Portugall for his the said fernandez behalfe and accompt
and for the accompt of Antonio Rodrigues Morais and of
Jeronimo and Raphael Rodrigues Lamego Merchants of
Roane in france and to returne to ffrance with other goods
as this deponent well knoweth and hath observed both as being
privy to and well acquainted with the said designe, and for that
he this deponent was a partie in the Charterpartie made for the
said voiage, And further saieth, That shortly after the fraight[?eing]
of the said shipp, the said ffernandez did send the said shipp
to darmouth aforesaid, where she safely arrived, and upon her
arrivall there the said ffernandez Carvajall did for the
accompt aforesaid cause to be laden and putt on board the said
shipp a lading of dry fish, and consigned the same to be delivered
at Porto aforesaid unto one Policarpio de Olivera
Merchant there resideing for the use and accompt as aforesaid
and that the said Mr ffernandez did pay or caused to be payd for the said lading of
fish betweene eleaven and twelve hundred pounds sterling, And
that the said shipp with her said lading of fish did safely arrive
at Porto Porto aforesaid, where the same was delivered unto
the said Policarpio de Oliveyra for the use and behoofe of the
said fernandez Carvajal and Companie aforesaid. And of all the
premisses this deponent saieth he hath good and sufficient assurance
both by meanes of his privity to the said designe, and by the
letters of advise, accompts and bills of lading which he hath
seene observed and perused concerning the same And further to those
Articles hee deposeth not/:.

To the third hee saieth, That at such time
as the said fernandez sent the said shipp and her lading of fish for Porto Porto
aforesaid he did send order and instructions to the said Policarpio
de Oliveyra his factor that upon receipt of the said fish hee
should dispose of the same and returne the said shipp loaden with
sugars, shumacke and Tobaccoes from thence to Roane in france
and to consigne the same to the arlate Antonio Rodrigues de
Morais and Jeronimo and Raphael Rodrigues Lamego
Merchants there for the use and accompt of him the said fernandez or to that
effect. The premisses hee knoweth, by the letters of advise sent by
the said fernandez both to the said Policarpio de Oliveira
to the effect aforesaid, and by the answers of the said de Oliveira
to the said fernandez, as also by the Letters of advise that passed
betweene the said Mr fernandez and the said Antonio Rodrigues