HCA 13/72 f.473v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 473 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5273.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/11/22 |
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out of such moneyes as hee the said de Oliveyra had of
theirs in his hands to for and upon the account of the said
Antonio fernandez Carvaiall; which order the said fernandez
did by the said shipp send over to Porto Porto aforesaid to
be accepted and performed by the said de Oliveyra, who did
accordingly receive the same and did furnish or lay out for the said Carvajall
moneys to make up the said Cargaison of sugars, shumack[?e]
and Tobaccoes, as this deponent hath also most credibly heard and seene by
advise from the said Oliveira sent from Porto Porto aforesaid, and doeth assuredly beleeve
the same. And further to this article hee deposeth not./
To the 6th Article of the said Allegation hee saieth; That hee this deponent
is also well and perfectly assured, That presently upon the
receipt of the said shipps lading of fish from the said Antonio
fernandez, and of the order in this deponents declaration to the next
precedent article mentioned, the said Policarpio de Oliveira
with the proceed of the said fish and with the monies or effects
which hee had in his hands belonging to the said Antonio
Rodrigues de Morais and Jeroonimo and Raphael Rodrigues
Lamego, which were by them ordered and appointed as aforesaid
to be used for the accompt and behoof of the said Antonio ferenandez Carvaial
did buy and provide two hundred Twenty and two Chests of
sugar, one hundred and thirteen baggs of shumack and forty
rolls of Tobaccoes for the use and accompt of the said
Antonio fernandez Carvajall, and did lade or cause the
same to be laden on board the said shipp the New England
Merchant for his the said fernandez proper accompt, and
consigned the same to Roan in france there to be delivered
unto the said Antonio Rodrigues de Morais and Jeronimo and
Raphael Rodrigues Lamego for his the said ffernandez benefitt
and accompt. And this deponent rendring a reason of such his
assurance concerning the trueth and realitie of the premisses
saieth,) That shortly after the providing and lading of the said
sugars, shumackes and Tobaccoes in manner aforesaid the said
Policarpio de Oliveira did by letter of advise (which this deponent hath perused) acquaint the
said Mr ffernandez with the same and with the quantities
and sorts of the said Lading as aforesaid, and also that the
Master of the said shipp the New England Merchant upon
his returne out of Portugall (after the seizure of her said
lading) did declare and affirme the premisses or the like in
effect to this deponent who did also by and out of a certaine