HCA 13/72 f.455v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.455v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the arlate Walgrave but by what meanes the same came to
him hee knoweth not And further cannot depose/

To the 11th for the reasons in his foregoeing deposition declared hee
saith hee knoweth that the fower pipes of wyne marked with the
first marke in the margent arlate were really and truly provided
and laded aboard the Mary and Joyce the tyme aforesayd with the
goods and effects of the arlate John Walker and William Wall
who did and doe (as hee verily beleeveth knowing of noe Ensurance
made of them) runne the sole hazard of them, being Owners of
them And further hee cannot depose/

To the 12th hee saith for that hee was present at the bargaine makeing
and alsoe sawe divers Goates skinnes of the arlate Thomas Slaters
delivered to the Barqueire who brought the pipe of wine arlate
aboard in payment for the same hee knoweth that the sayd pipe
of wine marked with the second marke in the margent arlate
was really bought and laden aboard the Mary and Joyce in manner
aforesayd with the proper goods of the sayd Slater, and for his
Accompt who is the true Owner therof And (as hee verily beleeveth
knowing of noe ensurance made of the ame)
the sayd Walgrave did and doth runne the sole Adventure
of the sayd pipe of wyne And further hee cannot depose/

To the 13th hee saith saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot
further depose thereto./

To the 14th hee saith that the arlate Walker Wall Slater
and Walgrave are all commonly reputed English men borne
and are Inhabitants of London it being their place of residence
when they are not absent in parts beyond the seas about their
Merchandizing affayres And further hee cannot depose/

To the 15th 16th 17th and 18th articles hee saith that after the
severall pipes of wyne predeposed of soe marked as aforesayd
and laden for the respective Accompts aforesayd were laded
abaord the Mary and Joyce shee sett sayle therewith and with
other her ladeing from Oratava bound for London and in
her course thitherwards was in the moneth of March last
seized with the wynes predeposed of and marked as aforesayd
aboard her and other her ladeing aboard her by two men of
warr belonging as Jacob Bolart the Captaine of one of them and their
Companyes gave out to dunkirke and Ostend and Commissionated
as they alsoe sayd by the King of Spaine for the seizure of
the shipps and goods of the subiects of the Commonwealth of
England Which Captaines and their Companyes with their men
of warr carried the Mary and Joyce after seizure with all the