HCA 13/72 f.456r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 456 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 15/11/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5237.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/11/15 |
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of wyne predeposed of (marked as aforesayd on board her and all
other her ladeing on board her into the Groyne in Galisia and carried
this deponent and divers of his Company of the Mary and Joyce and the Supracargo
of her prizoners thither where after some few dayes stay this deponent
anmd the Supracargo and divers of the Company of the Mary and Joyce gott passage
thence in a dutch shipp for Rotchell in ffrance and by that meanes stayed
not at the Groyne till the wines predeposed of marked as aforesayd
or any other the wynes seized as aforesayd aboard the Mary
and Joyce were taken out of her and laded aboard the Elizabeth arlate
Yet saith hee beleeveth the wines predeposed of marked as aforesayd
togeather with other wynes seized aboard the Mary and Joyce as
aforesayd, or the most of them were afterwards taken out of the
Mary and Joyce and laded aboard the Elizabeth arlate
and [XXXX] with them soe laden aboard her seized by some shipp
in the service of the Commonwealth of England and brought into
the River of Thames for that after her seizure hee this deponent
being come from Rotchell to London saw lyeing in the River of
Thames a shipp called the Elizabeth and having aboard her many
pipes of canarie wynes marked with the very same markes as the
wynes laden aboard the Mary and Joyce at Oratava were at their
ladeing there marked with and among others some pipes (but how
many hee remembreth not) marked with the first marke in the margent
And one marked with the second mark in the Margent, and one
or two (hee remembreth not well which) marked with the third
marke in the margent And verily beleeveth them to bee part of the
wines predeposed of laden as aforesayd at Oratava aboard the
Mary and Joyce for the severall and respective Accompts aforesayd
And further hee cannot depose
To the last hee saith his foregeoing deposition is true
To the Interrogatories on behalfe of the State/
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee was Master of the Mary and Joyce
And is an English man borne at Limpston in devonsheire and
a subiect of this Commonwealth And otherwise negatively./
To 2 hee saith hee knoweth all the parties Interrogate videlicet Slater and Walker for thise
8 or 9 yeares last William Wall for those 4 or 5 yeares last past
and Walgrave for those twelve moneths last past or thereabouts and saith they
have during his knowledge of them lived in London saving at such
tymes as they were absent beyond seas about their Merchandizing
affayres And further cannot answere/.
To the 3 hee referreth him selfe to his foregoeing deposition and further
cannot answere/