HCA 13/72 f.455r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.455r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Wall for goates skinnes and waxe wherewith the sayd shipp sett sayle
from Santa Cruz and in the latter end of January or beginning of ffebruary
1657 old style arived in the Road of Oratava in the Isle of Teneriff one
of the Canarie Islands where this deponent bartered away the sayd waxe and goate skinnes for wines and therewith provided and caused
to bee laded aboard the Mary and Joyce in the Roade aforesayd in
the moneth of ffebruary aforesayd for Accompt of
the sayd John Walker and William Wall fower pipes of Canarie
wine and marked or caused them to bee marked at the tyme of their ladeing
with the first marke in the margent, to be transported thence in the


sayd shipp for Accompt of the sayd Walker and Wall for London and there
to be delivered, to them or their Assignes And further hee cannot

To the 5th hee saith That Thomas Slater who came a passenger
from Barbary in the Mary and Joyce and had goate skinnes and gold and
other goods aboard the sayd shipp did in presence of this deponent aboard
the Mary and Joyce buy and bargaine with one Peter Symone (whome
this deponent beleeveth to bee a Portuguese) for one pipe of
Canarie wyne which pipe was by order of the sayd Peter Symone
sent to the Roade of Oratava and there receaved aboard the sayd shipp
in the sayd moneth of ffebruary for Accompt of the sayed slater
and was by the sayd Slaters order marked with the second marke


in the margent and soe shipped to be transported thence for London
for the sayd Slaters Accompt and there delivered to him, And further
hee cannot depose./

To the 6th 7th 8th and 9th articles of the allegation and the bill of
ladeing mentioned in the sayd nynth article and by him perused
at the tyme of his examination, hee saith hee knoweth the arlate
John Walgrave and saith hee is commonly reputed to bee a Merchant
of London And that in the moneths and tyme arlate there were laden
aboard the Mary and Joyce in the Roade of Oratava two pipes of
Canarie wynes marked with the third marke in the margent for


Accompt as by the bill of ladeing appeareth of the arlate John
Walgrave and consigned to bee delivered at London to the
sayd Walgrave, the lader of the wines hee knoweth not but for
that it is in the bill of ladeing expressed to be laden by don Alsonso
da Molyna Y Marina (which bill of ladeing hee knoweth to bee a
true and reall bill of ladeing and not colourable and one of the three
bills of ladeing all of one tenor for the sayd two pipes of wyne, which
hee this deponent signed for the same in the Roade of Oratava on
the day of the date thereof) hee beleeveth the sayd don Alonso was
the lader thereof And further hee cannot depose not knowing what
effects of the sayd Walgrave the sayd don Alsonso had in his hands/

To the 10th hee saith since his coming to London the voyage in question
hee sawe the bill of ladeing aforesayd in the hands and possession of