HCA 13/72 f.445r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 445 |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5215.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/09/29 |
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Owner of a shipp of that name lately fraighted and imployed by this
deponents said master and Companie for Biscay in Spaine And more
saieth not to this Interrogatorie/:-
To the second Interrogatorie this deponent saieth, That in or about the moneth
of may last past the said Thomas hopkins and Companie to witt
Richard hopkins, John Isard, Richard Barker and Thomas
Smith all Merchants of London and Subjects of this Commonwealth
did by John Booth this deponents precontest cause a quantity of bees
wax, stockins and deale boards for chests (the certaine quantity
he remembreth not) to be Laden and putt on board a certaine shipp
called the hope in the River of London to be transported to Biscay
in Spaine, which said goods did belong to the said Thomas hopkins
and Companie, and went adventured for and upon their accompt, as
this deponent hath observed and is fully induced to beleeve by the bookes of accompte
transactions and trading of the said Thomas hopkins his said
Master. And further saieth not to this Interrogatorie./
To the third Interrogatorie hee saieth, That the said outward Lading of
the said shipp was and went consigned to one Mr John Read an
English Merchant residing in Biscay aforesaid, who was and is
ffactor and Agent there to and for the said Thomas hopkins and
Companie aforesaid, as this deponent by meanes of his relation aforesaid
hath credibly heard and understood, and that the said Mr Reade in
returne thereof was to relade the said shipp for this Port of London
with Lemmons and oranges, (if that Countrey did affoard a convenient
quantity of such fruit for the lading of the said shipp) which were to
be consigned and delivered at this Port to the use and for the
accompt of the said shipps affreightment before mentioned, as this deponent
for and upon the reasons aforesaid is full convinced and induced
verily to beleeve, And further to this Interrogatorie hee saieth not/:-
To the fowerth Interrogatorie hee saieth, That as this deponent hath understood
by a Letter of advise sent to the said Thomas hopkins from
Morlaix in ffrance, bearing date the 28th of July 1658. new
style, the said shipps homewards lading taken in at Larido
in Biscay did consist of 485. and 1/2 doyble barrs of iron,
sixty fower thousand and one hundred of Lemmons and 12000
oranges or thereabouts for the accompt of the said Thomas
hopkins and Companie aforesaid, and to be delivered to them
at this Port of London for and as the proceed or part of the
proceed of the said shipps outwards Lading aforesaid, and of other
goods and effects of the said Thomas hopkins and Companie
then remaining in the hands of the sayd Mr Read their factor
And further to this Interrogatorie hee deposeth not./: