HCA 13/72 f.446r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.446r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Booke-keeper or Overseer of the said building take care of the
same; Which the premisses this deponent well and most assuredly
knoweth for that hee this deponent was at Rotterdam aforesaid at
such time as the said shipp the daniel was there upon the stocks
a building, and did in or about the moneth of August 1654
there see and observe the said shipps fabricke, and did severall
times speake and conferr with the said daniel Thyssen
Jollison (who was and is this deponents brother in Law) and who
had the care and mannagement of the said shipps building on
the behalf of himself and others the said Owners thereof, and
both by such his said conference and conversations with the said
daniel Thysson Jollison and woth severall others of the said
Owners and with diverse other Merchants
of Zeeland, where the said Owners did and doe dwell and this
deponent by such his observation, converse and publick and generall
report is and declareth himselfe to be perfectly assured of the trueth
of the premisses, And further saieth, That this deponent hath
severall and sundry times heard both the said daniel Thysson
Jollison, and others of the said shipps Owners immediately after
the said shipp was built and finished say and affirme, That they had really
paied or were to pay for the building of the said shipp and for the fitting
and furnishing of the same with all necessaries upon her
first voiage the summe of eight and twenty hundred pounds
flemmish or thereabouts (as neere as this deponent now remembreth
the summe,) And this deponent further saieth and deposeth, That the
said Evaert Gislin Abraham van Peeren Jacob van hoorne
Joris Brest daniel Thssen Jellison and others Merchants and
inhabitants of fflushing and Middleborough aforesaid personally
and particularly knowne to him this deponent have beene ever since
the building of the said shipp generally and notoriously knowne
and reputed to be the true and Lawfull Owners of the said shipp
daniel and of her tackle apparrell and furniture, as this deponent
hath constantly and continually heard and observed in the said Country
of Zeeland, And further hee saieth not to this Interrogatorie.

To the second article of the said Allegation hee saieth, That hee well
knoweth, That the arlate Charles Alteras of fflushing brother
to Peter Alteras of the said place and part Owner of the said
shipp was by the said Owners designed to be Master of the said
shipp before she was begunn or fully built, and that this deponent during the time
of the said shipps building did see the said Charles Alteras at
the place or stocks at Rotterdam where the said shipp was