HCA 13/72 f.444v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.444v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


king of ffrance or king of Portugall) and that the said shipp and
goods were by the said seizors forcibly conducted and carried to [XosX GUTTER]
neere Morlaix in ffrance, and that the said seizors or Captaine and
Companie of the said mann or warre have dispossessed the said
Whitting and his Companie of the said shipp the hope and of her
said Lading and have unladed the same out of the said shipp, as this
deponent hath seene and observed by credible Letters of advise concerning the
premisses sent from Morlaix aforesaid to the said Thomas hopkins
and Mr John Issart Merchant two of the Owners of the said shipps
said homewards Cargaison. And more saieth not to this Interrogatorie

To the sixth Interrogatorie hee saieth, That hee doeth not know nor can
judge or conjecture the true value of the said 485 and 1/2. barrs of iron
part of the said shipps homewards Lading, for that hee doeth not know
how many quintalls, or to what just weight the same did or doeth amount
unto, nor hath seene any bills of Lading invoyce or accompt concerning
the same, but hee doeth verily beleeve and judge That each Tunn of
the said iron, if the same had arrived in safety at this Port, would
have yielded 16 li: 10 s at the least, and that the said
Lemmons would have yielded 16. 14. 12. or at the least 10: shillings
sterling per hundred, and the said Oranges ten shillings or nyne
shillings the hundred, they being as this deponent hath beene credibly
informed speciall good fruit, and being at present and for a moneth
past a very beneficiall commodity, and such as would have come to
a very advantagious and proffitable markett at this City of London,
as this deponent well knoweth by his relation to and experience in
the trading for the Like Commodities, And more saieth not to this

Repeated in Court/



The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Rp. 6.us/

Thomas Pegg of Saint Buttolph's Billingsgate London
servant to the said Thomas hopkins one of the parties
ministrant on this behalfe, aged 18. yeares or thereabouts
a Wittnesse produced and sworne before the said Charles
George Cock Esquire one of the Judges of the said
high Court of Admiraltie, and examined upon the said
Interrogatories saieth as followeth, to witt,

To the first Interrogatorie hee saieth, That hee knoweth not the shipp the
hope interrate, nor the Master thereof, but hath lately knowne
one Mr William Ustick a Merchant, who is commonly accompted
an Englishman borne and a Subject of this Commonwealth, and