HCA 13/71 f.652v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 652 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 29/03/2013 | |
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IMAGE: P1140554.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/29 | |
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Edited on 11/04/2014 and on 28/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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who laded 24 for his owne accompt att Angola and landed 22
of them safe att Bahia where they were seized and were really worth
one with another 45. millrees per head: and likewise five
large Elephants teeth belonging to the sayd Marshall well
worth 24. millrees. which being all invested into sugar
would have produced to his the sayd pilotts aććompt att the price
of sugars att that tyme and place thirty seven half Chests of
white sugars to the aććompt of him the sayd Marshall. And hee
the sayd Marshall lost about .11. monethes tyme by meanes of
the sayd seizure which at 4 li per moneth which was his wages
makes 44 li and he as he sayd did take upp 60 millrees at 30.
per Cent for his support. And further knoweth not.
To the fifteenth article he saith that over and above the losses aforesayd
he this deponent hath suffered losse and is damnifyed by reason
of the sayd seizure made by the Portugalls, in his Apparrell
money Jewells and goods taken from him by the Hollanders (sic)
to the valew and summe of 1100. millrees, which seizure by the
Hollanders was made by reason of the sayd former seizure
by the Portugalls., and by the losse of his papers and bookes
of Accompts and writings is damnifyed to the summe or
value of five hundred pounds sterling, by reason of many
suits and trowbles which the want of his bookes and writings
have exposed him to, which his bookes were seized likewise
by the Hollanders, by the meanes aforesayd, and moreover
was indammaged upon the same oććasion in extraordianry expenses
in travelling home for England forty pounds and for eleven monethes
tyme for his owne wages and wages for his two servants.
untill his arrivall in England one hundred and ten pounds And
further deposeth not.
To the sixteenth article he saith that by reason of the seizure aforesayd
made by the Portugalls the Mariners of the sayd shipps Company
by the losse of their Cloathes and goods, being turned out of the
sayd shipp, and their expences on shoare being about 20. persons
having noe alloweance for their maintenance from the tyme
they were turned out of the sayd shipp to the tyme of their getting
home into England, beong some of them 10 - 12 - and some 16.
monethes before they ćame home, suffered losse and dammage
to the summe or value of three hundred pounds besides their wages for all
the sayd time amounting to five hundred pounds or thereabouts so as the sayd
Mariners losses (not accounting the sayd Marshalls losses aforesayd
nor the particular losses of some of the sayd Mariners hereafter sett
forth) did and doe amount in the whole to eight hundred pounds or
thereabouts. And further deposeth not.
To the 17th article he saith that by reason of the sayd forty dayes tyme
delayed and spent in Angolla for unlading the salt and repair of
the sayd shipp as aforesayd, this deponent and his sayd Owners
were damnifyed by the Charges and expenses of 184 Negers
besides Children for their expences of eating and other necessaries forty rees
per day per head the summe of which did and doth amount to
two hundred ninety millrees and four hundred rees.
To the 18th hee saith that the sayd Portugalls did seize and take