HCA 13/71 f.652r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.652r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and allso five hundred Rolls of Tobaććo and five barrells of sucketts
which sugar tobacco and sucketts were to pay freight 26. millrees
per tonne of 54. [?aroves] to a tonne, and to pay 160. Rees for every
[?roafe] for averidge, and allso two hundred and sixteene great
plankes and seventeene peećes of Jacaranda wood, which plankes
were to pay two peeces of eight per planck for freight and
the Jacaranda wood was to pay halfe the freight per tonne that the
sugars did; and saith the freight and averidge of all the sayd
goods together att the rates aforesayd did and doth accompt
to fourteene thousand three hundred seventy five Millrees
and upwards, which the sayd owners of the Mary and John should
have rećeyved and have had the benefit of if the sayd shipp
had not bene seized by the Portugalls as aforesayd, the premisses
he deposeth for that he saw the sayd goods laden, and ćovenanted
for the freight and averidge aforesayd and firmed to some of the bills of
lading accordingly. And further cannot depose./

To the 12th. article he saith that over and besides the freight and averidge
aforesayd there was payd att Bahia for the places of Chests in the
sayd shipp videlicet for 700. places the summe of two millrees
per Chest in ready monex in all 1400. millrees to the Provador
of Bahia, and the Captaines of other shipps then there did
receyve the like summe for the places of Chests in their shipps
and the sayd 1400. millrees in case the sayd shipp had not bene
seized as aforoesaid had and would have come into this deponents
owne hands. and he well saw and observed that the foresayd rate
was really payd at Bahia for the places of Chests as aforesayd
and did himselfe receyve 24. millrees for the places of 12 Chests of
sugar which he without the privity of the provador made [?shift]
to lade there for a Portuguese merchant. And further
deposeth not.

To the 13th article hee saith that the sayd 800 - millrees for the salt
and the 3089. mill. 800. rees for the freight of the sayd
Portugalls negers and the sayd 7155. millrees for the
sayd Owners and this deponents negers, and the Customes for the
sayd Negars which this deponent should have receyved being#

[#] one thousand one
hundred ninety
three mill nine
hundred and twenty
rees discounting
the sayd bills of
ffran Hurdidg [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]

, and the sayd 1400. millrees which this deponent
should have receyved for the places of Chests as aforesayd
which severall summes make in the whole thirteene thousand
sixty five millrees, would have yeelded and produced att
bahia att the rate that sugars were then sold there the number
five hundred and eighty Chests and an halfe of white sugars. which sayd
Chests had bene to and for the use and benefit of this
deponents sayd Owners and himselfe and Company the premisses hee knoweth
and deposeth well observing the price of sugars att Bahia
which in his calculation hath valued att an higher price
than they were usually then and there sold. And further
deposeth not.

To the 14th. article hee saith that the sayd Kings officers did the
tyme aforesayd att Bahia besides the sugars belonging to this deponent
and his Owners as aforesayd seize two and twenty negars
belonging to William Marshall the pilot of the sayd shipp