HCA 13/71 f.653r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.653r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


away at Bahia from Thomas Wise Purser of the sayd shipp Mary and John. 7 Elephants teeth
worth 30. millrees; and from John Cobb masters mate of the
sayd shipp one neger worth. fifty millrees - and from
John Haynes Boatsman of the sayd shipp one neger worth fifty
millrees and from Richard Rawl Carpenter of the sayd shipp one neger worth 48 mill=
rees and from Robert Pearce and James Large. one neger worth
eight and forty millrees. And this he knoweth to be true, seeing the
seizure made in manner as aforesayd And further deposeth not.

To the last hee saith that the Interest or use of moneyes att the
usuall and low rate is well worth. six per Cent per anno. and
after that rate he doth conćeyve his Owners ought to have
satisfaction of and from the King of Portugall and his
subiects for the want of their moneyes that shall appeare
liquidated and due to them according to the proportion of
tyme that the same doth or shall appeare to have bene due
to them and kept from them. And otherwise or further deposeth

Recognit coram Com:rÿs

ffran Hurrdidge [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


Examined upon the same allegation

4th Augusti 1654.


John Haynes of Wapping in the parish of Stepney
alias Stebonheath Mariner, aged 34 yeares,
late Boate=swaine of the said shipp the Mary
and John, a wittnes produced and sworne before the right
worshippfull the Commissioners for the English and Portugalls
and being examined he deposeth and saith as

To the first article of the said allegation he deposeth and
saith that the arlate Thomas Adams, Thomas hollis and
Thomas Briggs and Company were in the yeares
arlate videlicet in the yeares 1648. 1649. 1650 and 1651 the
true and Lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the arlate
shipp the Mary and John and of her tackle and furniture
and that the arlate ffrancis hardidge (sic) was in all the
said yeares Master of her, The premisses he knoweth
being Boat=swaine of her during all the said time
And further he cannot depose.

To the 2d article of the said allegation he deposeth and saith
that about the month of March 1648 old stile the arlate
ffrancis hardedge (sic) did on the behalfe of the Owners of the said
shipp lett the Mary and John lett her out to freight at
Lisbone by license of the king of Portugall to certaine
Portuguese Merchants to proceed on a voyage from Lisbone
to Madera, and thense to Angola, and from thense to
Bahia in Brazil and for to returne back againe to Lisbone
and he sayth that the said shipp did depart from
Lisbone on her said voyage in the month of June 1649
and safely arrived in Angola about the beginning
of Aprill 1650 (as he best remembreth) and that the said
shipp being soe arrived at Angola, The Governour