HCA 13/71 f.567v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.567v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


they conditioned with the sayd Jeggles to have the hundred fifty
and odd hogsheads of tobaccoe they laded aboard the Anne caried to
Ireland and that Jeggles should stay there five dayes for the sale thereof
and in case it could not in that tyme be there sold then to bring it for
England And this deponent knoweth the sayd Jeggles being by
reason of the smale quantitie thereof unwilling to goe with it to any
place but to England the sayd Laders fell out with the sayd Jeggles
after the same was laden, and would have had it from on board
againe, where upon the sayd Jeggles was constreyned rather to yeild
to carrye it for Ireland than altogeather to loose the freight thereof
And this deponent well observed and is well assured that the sayd
1Jeggles did not omitt or neglect any tyme or oportunitie
with his sayd shipp either at Virginia or any other place to the preuidise of the arlate
James and Edward Cowse but did use his utmost endeavour
at all times during the voyage in question to advance and
further their goods and benefitt

To the 15th hee saith hee hath made severall voyages from Virginia
to Barbados and from Barbados to England and thereby knoweth
that it is betwixt Virginia and Barbados five hundred and forty
leagues or thereabouts and betweene Barbados and England fifteene
hundred leagues or thereabouts, and for the reasons in his foregoeing
deposition declared hee knoweth that Virginia and Barbados are
but places that are not able to supplye a shipp with such necessaries
of rigging and other things as the Anne lost in the storme aforesayd
and to furnish her soe as to make her fitt for a voyage thense
And further hee cannot depose/

To the 16th hee saith the shipp Anne in her course homewards for
London was forsed to put into Plymouth partly by Contrary
windes, and partly to avoide Spanish men of warr which this
deponent and others of the sayd shipps Company sawe hovering
up and downe at sea upon the Coast, And knoweth the Anne
put out againe thense for London with the first oportunitie of
winde and weather./

To the 17th hee saith hee is confidently assured and perswaded in his
conscience that the shipp Anne aforesayd having receaved such
dammage as is predeposed by the storme aforesayd could not
choose but have perished in the sea if shee had adventured back
from Virginia to Barbados and soe for England for that
hee knoweth neither Virginia nor Barbados were or are
places that could supplye her with such necessaries as shee stood
neede of to fitt her for soe longe a voyage/

To the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie at the request
