HCA 13/71 f.568r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.568r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the producent Jeggles who well knew this deponent being one of the Mates of the Anne in the
voyage in question could not but bee able to testifie touching the passages therein
happening and to the rest Negatively/

To the 2 hee saith the sayd Jeggles did over shoote the Port of Oporto as
is before deposed and when it was cleere day seeing that hee had passed
the same did presently make up towards it againe soe fast as the weather
would permitt and then having some tyme expected a pylott and none
coming, and night and ill weather approaching, hee put out to sea, and
was driven by stresse of weather Southwards as farr as the Burlings
Interrogate, and saith Lisbone was the neerest place where a Pylott was
to bee had after the sayd shipp was driven soe farr southward as the
Burlings, And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot
answere to this Interrogatorie otherwise than negatively/

To the 3 hee saith hee cannot answere otherwise than negatively saving hee saith hee remembreth
that after the Anne was gotten safe into Oport hee sawe there a
smale Pinke belonging to Plymouth (her name hee knoweth
not) whereof a dutch man was (whose name alsoe hee knoweth not) was
Master, which Pinke was laden with wine and salt, and other goods such
as the Anne was laden with, and bound alsoe to the Barbadoes,
but saith hee well knoweth shee went thither in Company of the Anne
and arrived not there before her, and therefore could not by any such
meanes as is Interrogate glutt the market there./

To 4th hee saith that hee well remembreth being present and giving
the sayd Edmund Cowse a Cupp to take a taste thereof that the sayd shipp
Anne being come from Barbados to New England the Cooper gave
the sayd Cowse a taste of every of the butts there landed and among the
rest one of them was changed and become somewhat sower and not fitt for
sale whereupon the sayd Cowse having tasted it speaking to the Company
of the shipp then present which was this deponent and the Cooper and some others
sayd you may keepe it on board and make beveridge of it for it is
not fitt to goe on shoare whereupon the Cooper without the knowledge
of Jeggles made beveridge of the greatest part thereof and the
sayd Jeggles afterwards hearing of it was displeased that they had
soe done and sayd if hee had knowne of it hee could have sold
it, and bought them beere with it, which would have bin better, and
did in his anger strike out the head of the vessell and spill that which
was left undrunke in beveridge, which was a thing of little or
noe value and as hee beleeveth noe preiudice to the sayd Cowse
And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere,/

To the 5th hee saith the Anne is a shipp of the burthen of two
hundred tonnes and upwards in this deponents Judgment, and saith
hee knoweth shee came from Virginia to England, but with about a third


Secondary sources
