HCA 13/71 f.567r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.567r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


sayles, yardes and all her rigging except her foreyard and
foresayle with helpe whereof (though they were much spoiled alsoe) the
sayd shipp gott to Virginia where the sayd Jeggles was constreyned to
staye with her to fitt and prepare her as well as hee could to goe to
sea againe, till about the first of Aprill during which tyme of
this deponents knowledge the sayd Jeggles did doe what hee could to
gett her soe repayred as to bee fitt to goe for the Barbados
againe but Virginia and alsoe the Barbados are of this deponents knowledge places where sayles and rigging are not to bee had
unlesse by chaunce any other shipps who are there have spare sayles
and rigging and will part with them to supplye such as want, the
places affording none there made, soe that the sayd Jeggles
only gott new masts at Virginia (the place affording them) and was
was faine to peece and patch up anie old sayles and rigging that were aboard
the shipp and laye by as uselesse, and make as good shifte with them
as hee could this hee the better knoweth for that hee helped to mend
and peece the old sayles and old rigging And alsoe saith that of his
this deponents knowledge the sayd Jeggles during such tyme as
the sayd shipp lay in Virginia to bee (soe well as there shee could)
repayred and made fitt to goe to sea did doe his utmost
endeavour and sent this deponent and others abroad in the Country to preserve goods to bee laden aboard her either for
England holland or Ireland but by reason there came many shipps,
thither and goods were there scarce to bee gotten hee the sayd Jeggles
could get only a hundred fifty and odd hogsheads of tobaccoe
taken at freight for severall planters of Virginia and some
few hogsheads more belonging to the arlate Cowse and to some
of the shipp Anns Company, the rest being taken laden by other
shipps And further to this article hee cannot depose saving hee
saith hee heard Steareman and hardidge two of the planters
who laded the sayd one hundred fifty odd hogsheads of tobaccoe aboard
the Anne saye, to the sayd Jeggles (hee complayneing of want
of lading) that it was well hee had gotten soe much as hee had,
for that (as they sayd) goods were then scarce and severall
shipps that came to Virginia that yeare did retourne with much dead
freight, And saving hee this deponent having occasion to goe aboard
a shipp called the Sea horse lyeing at Point Comfort in Virginia there
to supply her with about a hundred weight of bread in
Exchange for Cordage to be used about the Anne, did heare her
Master and Company say that they could not gett ladeing and that they
might retourne for England at least halfe dead freighted

To the 13th and 14th hee saith that hee heard the laders thereof saye that they