HCA 13/71 f.566v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.566v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


stormie) did carrie the sayd shipp and goods to Lisbon and there safely
arrived with her upon or about the fifteenth day of the sayd moneth where
being come hee saith the sayd Edmund Cowse did there take a great
part of the sayd shipps ladeing ashoare and sell and dispose thereof
according to his will and pleasure and laden diverse other goods on board her
and in soe unladeing and reladeing of her kept her there from the tyme
of such her arrivall which was upon or about the fifteenth day of November 1654
till about the twelfth of December next after And further to these articles
hee cannot depose

To the 8th hee saith that the sayd shipp Anne being at Lisbon unladen and
discharged by the sayd Edmond Cowse the sayd Cowse sent a Pylott on
borde her and ordered her to proceede to Porto Port
articulate And the
sayd Jeggles in obedience to this order did endeavour presently to put out to sea
and did put out to sea and was together with other shipps that went out
in Company with him driven back againe to Lisbone and the sayd Jeggles
up upon the next opportunitie that afford full sayle from Lisbone againe and
was againe by contrary windes driven back thither a second tyme and
being ready to depart from thence the third tyme shee was then were stayed by the
Governor of a Castle who made shott at her and commanded her to an
Anchor, and kept her there a night and an afternoone of a daye upon pretence of searching
for a ffryer that was (as it was sayd) runne away, in which tyme of her
staye fowle weather happening shee lost an Anchor and at length the
sayd Jeggles and other Masters of shipps (who were alsoe stayed upon the same
occasion) did get licence to depart and about the third of February
1654 the sayd Jeggles sett sayle from Lisbon the third tyme, to make for Porto Port
All which stay after the shipp was soe laden was occasioned by crosse
winde and ill weather and by the stopp made by the Governour aforesayd
and thir officers and not by any fault or neglect of the sayd
Jeggles or any of his Company And further to this article hee cannot

To the 9th hee saith the sayd shipp departed from Lisbone about the
third of February aforsayd with the Pylott soe on board her sent soe
aboard her by the sayd Edmond Cowse, and sayled towards Porto Port
and arrived before it with the sayd Pylott aboard, but there coming
an extraordinary strong fresh out of the River of Porto Port
it hindered their getting into harbour some tyme, and
then the winde Comming contrary still hindered them and drove them up and downe at sea soe that the
sayd shipp could not nor did gett into Porto Port untill about the
sixteenth day of the sayd moneth of February at which tyme shee gott in
safe with her ladeing And further to this article hee cannot depose

To the 10th 11th and 12th hee saith the sayd shipp the Anne went
from Porto Port to Barbados and from thence to Virginia,
(at all which places shee loaded) and in her course from Barbadoes
to Virginia hee saith shee mett with very tempestious and strong
weather by force whereof her hull was very shattered and shee
made very leakie, and shee alsoe lost her foremast for top mast