HCA 13/70 f.755v Annotate

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shipp belonging to Amsterdam or any other Port or place person or persons
acituate or inhabiting there or in any other place under the Jurisdiction of the
States of the United Netherlands, nor that shee was bound to any such Port
or Place with the ladeing which dureing her said aboad shee toke in at Cadiz
But on the contrary saith, That of ths deponents observation then and there the
generall report and publique fame both aboard the said sjipp Salvador
wherein this deponent served, and also aboard the shipps Saint George and
Sampsonof Lubeck then lyeing there, (with severall of which shipps Companies
this deponent then often discoursed both aboard the said shipps and in the Towne of
Cadiz) was that the said shipp the Saint George with her ladeing should in Companie
of the said shipps Sampson and Salvador after their full ladeings respectively
depart from thence and saile directly to Ostend or dunquirke in
fflanders The premisses hee saith hee well knoweth for the reasons in this
his deposition comprehended. And further cannot depose/

Upon the rest of the articles shee is not examined by the producents direction./:

To the Interrogatories/:- [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee this rendent is a Native o Lubeck, and was there
educated and hath had his relation to that place and residence there from his infancie
And otherwise negatively:-

To the second hee saith, That hee this rendent is a Sphipwright (sic) by trade
and saith hee was never at hamburgh, but hath bin twice at Amsterdam
within the time interrate, and remained there the first time about 2. momnethes
and the last about 6. or 7. monethes, And saith hee never saw the shipp the Saint George at hamborough but saw her at Amsterdam in the yeare 1651.

To the 3. hee saith hee hath credibly heard that the said shipp Saint George was
built at hamburgh by a Burgher and Master Shipwright there, And further
otherwise then negatively hee cannot depose./:

To the 4th hee saith hee doeth not knowe nor hath heard any thing of the
contents of this Interrogatorie./

To the 5th hee saith, hee this rendent was at Cadiz in the yeare 1652.
interrate, and saith That in the yeare 1651. old stile this
deponent departed from Amsterdam or Texell towards Cadiz about
a moneth or 6 weekes, as this deponent emembreth, before the Christmas
time of that yeare in the shipp the Salvador and came to Cadiz about 14 daies after, and
departed from thence (upon the Voyage wherin shee the said Salvador was seized by the English in
or about the middle of the moneth of October 1652./:-

To the 6th hee saith hee never saw the shipp the Saint George interrate at
hamburgh, but saw her once as aforesaid at Amsterdam
in the yeare 1651. interrate, and knoweth not how manie voyages
more shee hath made thither since the yeare 1642, interrate. And
further cannot depose./:-

Repeated before doctor Godolphin./