HCA 13/70 f.755r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.755r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


shipps being there as aforesaid, or at any time before or since, That the
said shipp with her then ladeing was bound for Amsterdam, or at any other
place in the United Netherlands, or that shee had any of her Owners
belonged to Amsterdam, or did there inhabit. The premisses hee declareth
by Vertue of his oath being one of the said shipsp Companie during the
Voyage in question. And further cannot depose./

Upon the rest of the Articles hee is not examined by the direction of the producents

To the Interrogatories:- [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith is a Native of Norway, and a Batchelor and hath for
all the time Interrate gott his liveing by seafaring imployment and hath therfore
had no constant ot fixed residence, And othewise negatively:-/:-/:-

To the second hee saith hee is a Mariner by profession, and saith hee hath
never been at hamburgh, but hath beene two or three times at Amsterdam,
within the time interrate, and at his last being there remained there about
3. weekes or a moneth, and was then as aforesaid entertained by the said
John Martens dorpe to serve aboard his said shipp to Cadiz in Spaine./

To the 3. and 4th hee saieth hee knoweth nothing thereof./

To the 5th hee saith That hee departed from Amsterdam with the said shipp upon
a Christmas eve and about 8. daies after, being about three yeares since
they came to Cadiz, and came from thence the moneth of October enseuing
being about a moneth before the said shipp and lading were seized by the

To the 6th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition. And further cannot

Repeated in Court./



The second day of december 1654:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said Allegation./


Carsten Franck of Lubeck shipwright aged 32.
yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse sworne and examined/

To the 4th Article of the sai Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That hee
this deponent being at Cadiz Shipwright of and aboard the shipp the Salvador of
hamborough (Christian Cloppenburgh Master) in the yeare 1652. arlate
then saw and observed the shipp the Saint George (whereof John
Martens dorpe was Commannder) then lyeing or rideing at an Anchor in
the bay of Cadiz neere unto the said shipp the Salvador, where of this
deponents sight and observation the said shipp the Saint George continued for about
three moneths together (as this deponent remembreth the time) And saith That neither
during all the time of the said shipp the Saint George her remnaining there
as aforesaid, neither before or since this deponent ever heard or observed that
there was any the leeast rumour or report there, amongst Merchants Seamen
or others, That the said shipp the Saint George was there reputed or taken for a