HCA 13/70 f.756r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 756 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 23/01/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_1133.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/01/23 |
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The same day Examined upon the said Allegation./
Henry Slucker of hamborough Mariner aged 23
yeares or thereabouts, sworne and examined saith as followeth
To the 4th article of the said Allegation hee saith, That hee this deponent in the
yeare 1652. arlate being at Cadiz in Spaine and then serving as an ordinary
Sailer in and aboard the shipp the Salvador of hamborough (Christian Cloppen=
burgh Master) did then and there for severall moneths together, (in which the shipp
the Saimnt George arlate togeather with the said shipp Salvador and the Sampson of
Lubeck roade there one to another in the Bay of Cadiz aforesaid) heare
observe and take notice then and there, That the common and generall report
then currant amongst Merchants, and the Mariners of the said respective
shipps was, that the said shipp the Saint George, (whereof John Martens
dorpe then was Commannder) was designed with the ladeing shee then tooke in
to sayle inCompany with the said shipps Sampson and Salvadore to the Port
of Ostend or dunquirke in fflanders and there to discharge, And saith
that hee this deponent dureing the time of the said shipp Saint George her aboade
at Cadiz in the yeare aforesaid nor at any time before or since hath ever
heard any common or credible report or rumour either at Cadiz or elswhere That the said shipp the Saint George and
her lading were bound for or belonged to Amsterdam or any other port or
place of the United Netherlands, or to any person or persons there inhabiting
or residing. And further saith, That this deponent being a Native of hamburgh
and having from his infancie had his constant relation to the said Citie of
hamburgh, and his friends and kindred there residing, hath constantly and
credibly bin informed and thereupon is fully assured That the said shipp
the Saint George was there first built from the stockes, and hath ever since her
originall building belonged to that Port, and to Burghers and inhabitants there
The premisses hee deposeth upon the reasons expressed in this his deposition And
further hee cannot depose/
To the rest of the articles hee deposeth not, bu direction of the producents.
To the Crosse Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee was and is as aforesaid a native of hamborough
where he had his education, and had and hath his constant relation to that
Citie and State during the time interrate And otherwise negatively/:/
To the second hee saith hee is by profession a Sailer, and that hee first
came to Amsterdam about Whitsuntide in the yeare 1651. last past
where hee remained about 10. or 11 daies, and was then hired to serve aboard
the shipp Salvador to Cadiz in Spaine, and saith hee did not then
or at any time before or since see the Saint George interrate at
Amsterdam, but saith hee saw the said shipp the Saint George in Hamborough
calked and repaired there about 7. or 8. yeares since, the time hee doeth not
now otherwise exactly remember, and saith that after such the said shipps reparatures
and calkeing this deponent about that time saw and observed her rideing upon the