HCA 13/70 f.743v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.743v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


knowinglie to the question of what person, or in what tongue or language he heard it, for
(as he saith) if he heard of some particular person or in some different
house it could not in his Judgement be the comon fame and [?XXX] of
the people as he saith it was, and therefore he therein referreth
himselfe to his foregoeinge deposition.

To the 25th he referreth himselfe to his foregoeinge deposition

To the 26th he hath not soe deposed/

To the 27th he hath not soe deposed/

To the 28th he hath not soe deposed/

To the 29th he saith that severall shipps of severall Princes and
States in Amitie together doe oftentimes meete and trade
att a Porte of an other State or Prince in Amitie with them
and lade there And otherwise he cannot depose/

To the 30th negatively sayinge he came not from Cadiz in
anie of the shipps interrogated or in theire Companie/

To the 31th and 32th he hath not soe deposed

To the 33th he saith That the said discourse betwixt the
Mariners of the Salvador and this deponent att the Bell
att Woolwich happened in an upper roome or chamber of the
said howse and was spoken in dutch in the afternoone and that
one of the Marriners was named Cornelius, and was
Trumpeter of the said shipp And otherwise he remembreth
not saveinge his foregoeinge deposition/

To the 34th he cannot depose as he saith:/

To the 35th he saith he was not att the takeinge of anie of the
shipps in question nor expecteth anie share or proffit though they
should be condemned/

To the 36th he answeareth and saith that if it were in his power he
would adiudge and condemne for prize the severall shipps
the Sampson, the Salvador and the Saint George interrogated with
theire severall ladings because he verelie beleeveth them
to belonge to hollanders and to be as good prize to this
State as anie that ever they tooke/

To the 37th he referreth himselfe to his foregoinge deposition
And otherwise negatively/

To the 38th negativelie for his part sayinge there was never
any fallinge out betwixt this deponent and the said John Martenson dorp
nor did this deponent ever demande anie
wages of him haveinge never served in his sdaid shipp/

To the 39th her saith he is onlie a lodger att the place
aforesaid of his presente aboade and is not taxed to the Common
Wealth and is a sailemaker by trade

Repeated before doctors Clerke and Godolphin.

Abraham Janson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]