HCA 13/70 f.743r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 743 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/03 |
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To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee answereth that hee was not any of the companie of
the Saint George interrogated, and that the rest of this Interrogatorie is satisfied.
To the second negatively, saying hee was not present at the lading of the silver in
To the third hee cannot answer not being present as aforesaid, but hee heard that
the said shipp was wholly laden at Cadiz.
To the fourth hee saith that hee doth not knowe any of the owners of the said
shipp the Saint George.
To the fifth hee hath not soe deposed.
To the 6th hee saith that English is this deponents Mother tongue, and that having
lived 26 or 27 yeares in Amsterdam (ended about 14 monethes since) hee can speake
good lowe dutch, and that having often sailed in Spanish shipps hee can speake
Spanish, which language hee leant about 14 yeares since, and can speake some
To the 7th hee saith hee can write a legible hand, and read both written and printed.
To the 8th hee saith hee doth not knowe the Purser of the shipp the Saint George
Tio the 9th. 10th and 11th negatively, saying hee never sawe the Pursers booke
To the 12th hee hath not soe deposed.
To the 13th negatively, referring himselfe as aforesaid to his answer
to the 9th, 10th and 11th Interrogatories.
To the 14 and 15th hee saith hee was not of the company of any of the shipps
interrogated of this Commonwealth that seized the said shipp the Saint George and her lading, and
otherwise negatively.
To the 16th negatively.
To the 17th hee saith hee first sawe the said shipp the Saint George at Amterdam
about 8 or 9 yeares since, and hath seene her there againe since that time referring
himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.
To the 18th hee saith hee knoweth not of any owners that John Martenson dorp
hath at Amsterdam, and that this deponent never sawe him make any accompts
there to any as owners of the said shipp and otherwise hee referreth himselfe
to his foregoeing deposition.
To the 19 hee saith hee dwelt constantly in Amsterdam (saving his absence
nowe and then in seafaring voyages) for 26 yeares or thereabouts, till about
14 monethes since, at which time hee removed thence with his wife and went
and tooke a chamber at Ostend, and there continued only 6 or 7 weekes
and thence came for England, and hath ever since his coming for England
(of which hee hath predeposed) dwelt in Saint Catherins lane neare the Tower
of London, the place of his present residence.
To the 20th hee saith that hee never sailed in the said shipp the Saint George,
nor was ever in her at Cadiz.
To the 21th hee saith that it is about foure yeares since hee sawe the delivery
of the said silver by the said John Maartinson dorp at the signe of the
Grave Van Buren in Amsterdam, before by him deposed of, but hee
doth not knowe the name of the merchant to whom it was delivered, nor
the particular quantitie, And otherwise hee cannot answer saving his said
foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth himselfe.
To the 22th hee hath not doe deposed.
To the 23th hee saith he hath seene the shipp the Mercurius interrogated att Cadiz
about 6. yeares since, and saith shee was a broad sterned shipp haveinge three
or fower and twenty Guns, hollands built att least in appeareance and about
400 tuns burthen, and since that tyme he hath not seene her, saveinge about
fower yeares since att which tyme he saw her att Amsterdam, and never saw
the Golden Sunn saveinge att Ostend the tyme aforesaid, which he saith
was then of the burthen (in his estimation) of five hundred tunns and a
broad sterned shipp allsoe of a hollands mould, And otherwise hee cannot
answeare saveinge as aforesaid/
To the 24th he hath not soe deposed, but att Amsterdam it was commonlie
and generally said and reputed that shee belonged to that Citty, and haveinge
spoken of a common report and fame in [?XXXXXX] hee saith hee cannot answeare