HCA 13/70 f.744r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.744r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The answeare of the foresaid Jurian Martenson to
the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first he answeareth negatively

To the second negatively sayinge he was not present/

To the third negatively

To the ffyth he hath not soe deposed.

To the sixth he saith he can speake the Northsea language and lowe dutch
and noe other language, and that Northsea is his mother tongue and
the other he learnt in his youth

To the 7th he can neithe reade nor write/

To the 8th negatively/

To the 9th 10th and 11th negativelie

To the 12th he hath not soe deposed.

To the 13th negatively.

To the 14th and 15th negativelie/

To the 16th negatively

To the 17th negatively

To the 18th negatively saveinge as aforesaid:/

To the 19th he saith he is a batchelour and one that useth seafaringe
for wages for his subsistance, and hath noe constant dwellinge
and hath bin here in London about twelve weeks last, and lodgeth
nowe att Mr Swanns att Saint Katherins/

To the 20th negatively/

To the 21th negatively/

To the 22th he hath not soe deposed

To the 23th he saith the said shipp the Mercurie was the tyme
aforesaid a Pinnace of about 180. lasts hamburgh built, and the
Prophet Elias was allsoe a pinnace And otherwise he remembreth not

To the 24th 25th and 26th he referreth himselfe to his foregoeing

To the 27th he referreth himselfe to his foregoeinge deposition and
cannot otherwise depose/

To the 28th he referreth himselfe to his foregoeinge deposition

To the 29th he beleeveth and hath heard That severall shipps
belonginge to severall subiects of severall States and Princes
doe often meete and trade, att one and the same Port of a forraigne
Prince or State in amitie with them, and afterwards [?XXX] to
severall Ports

To the 30th he saith he referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition
And otherwise he cannot depose

To the 31th he hath not soe deposed of anie Lord of [?delfe] nor
knoweth the person And otherwise he cannot depose saveinge
his foregoeinge deposition/

To the 32th he hath not soe deposed

To the 33th he hath not soe deposed/

To the 34th he cannot depose/

To the 35th neghatively:/

To the 36th he saith he is noe Judge and if he were he should
Judge accordinge to the Lawe which he now understands not
in the case in question/