HCA 13/70 f.624r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.624r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and imprisoned him for fishing on the said grounds and beate and abused him.
And other wise hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid and what followeth.

To the 7th 8th and 9th hee saith the ffishermen of ffeversham use to provide and keep
store oisters on the said grounds, and use to watch the said hrounds to keepe
others from dredging and fishing there, and often take way the boates
and committ violence on the persons of such others as fish and dredg there
And otherwise hee cannot answer saving what is aforesaid and followeth.

To the tenth hee saith that the bond or schedule annexed to the said
Interrogatories is signed by this deponent and by him sealed and delivered, and alsoe
by the interrogated Ambrose [?Bartensells], while this deponent was under restraint
and imprisonment as aforesaid, and saith they were and are Inhabitants of

To the 11th hee hath not soe deposed, otherwise then as aforesaid.


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said allegation.


John Sawman of Strowde in the County of kent fisherman
aged 36 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee hath bin a fisher
man and boy for theise 18 yeares last or thereabouts, living all the said
time and at present in Strowde, and that for all the said time hath well
knowne the places allegate called East Swale and hartie shore, and
saith the same are within the ebbing and flowing of the sea and an arme
and part of the sea, where shipps of three hundred tonnes at conceniencie
of tides may saile and passe in and out, and for such places they were
and are commonly accompted, and saith that many times within the
said space hee this deponent being a fisher of Strowde hath fished and
dredged there for oisters and other fish, and soe of his knowledge
have many others of Strowde and Milton donne, And this deponent
hath heard auncient men of Strowde say that they fished there fourtie yeares
agoe. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first and 2 hee saith hee is a fisherman of Strowde in his owne right
and claimes right of fishing and dredging in the places in question. and that#hee is concerned in this sute against the ffeversham men and beareth part
of the charege thereof.

To the third and fourth hee saith [?that] ffeversham men use to fish
and dredge in the places in question, and claime the fishing and dredging there
to themselves, ebndeavouring to exclude others. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fifth 6th 7 8 and 9 hee saith the ffeversham men often hinder and disturb
Strowde and Milton men in their fishing in the said grounds, and commit
violence on them, and often take away their [?boats] and materialls; and that
fourteene yeares since they beate and abused this deponent for
fishing there and tooke away his boate and kept him as prisoner, but at length
they were glad to set him at libertie, pay his charges and pay
him for his boate. And saith the ffeversham men use to provide store oisters