HCA 13/70 f.623v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.623v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said allegation.


John Reppingall of Strowde in the County of kent ffisherman
aged 44 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee hath bin a
ffisher of Strowde man and boy for theise seaven and twenty yeares
last past, during which space hee hath well knowne the place or plaaces
called the East Swale and haartie shoare, and saith they are
within the ebbing and flowing of the sea, and an arme of the
sea where shipps of three hundred tonnes burthen and upwards
may saile and passe in and out, and that they are a part of the
sea, and therefore ought to be free for the ffisher men of Strowde
Milton, and places adiacent to fish and dredge in. And saith that
when hee was apprentice to one hugh ffowler of Strowde about
25 yeares since hee this deponent fished on the said grounds and places
and frequently afterwards both in his apprenticeshipp and since hee hath
bin for himselfe and performed the same without interruption or
hinderance, saving once as hereafter followeth, and saith that hee
hath heaard his said master say that hee hath fished there fiftie
yeares since. And saith that severall of the ffishermen of Strowde, Milton,
hastow and Gillingham and places adiacent have frequently fished there
within the said time of this deponents being a fisherman and boy as
aforesaid, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories./. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee is a fisherman of Strowde in
his owne right and in that qualitie claimeth right of fishing and
dredging in the places in question.

To the seecond hee saith hee is one of the parties concerned in this businesse
against the ffeversham ffishermen, and hath and doth endeavour to maintaine
his right of fishing in the said grounds and places, and that hee
contributeth towards the charges of this sute.

To the third and fourth hee saith that the fishermen of ffeversham have
from time to time used to fish and dredge in the grounds and places
in question, and doe claime the right of dredging for oisters
there to them selves, exclusive to others, and doe endeavour to huinder all
fishing there of others. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving as

To the fifth and sixth hee saith that the ffishermen of ffeversham have
often disturbed and hindered the ffishermen of Milton, Strowde, hastowe
and Gillingham from fishing in the places in question, and have somtimes
taken away their boates and materialls, and imprisoned or restrained
their persons, but still have got all free againe without paying of
any fine or [?amXXXXment]. And about thirteene yeares since they
boarded and [?asayled] this deponent aand tooke away his boate and goods