HCA 13/70 f.613v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 613 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/28 |
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hart for the accompt of Jeronimo Nunez da Costa, and to the third article
and the severall chests of sugar mentioned therein and marked as in the same
and fiftie Rolls of tobaccoe laden for the accompt of the arlate diego
fferdinando Lemos, and to the fourth article and the severall chests of sugar
therein specified, under the marks therein alsoe expressed, laden for the
respective accompts of accompt of diego Barazo, Andrew and Christofer Nunez,
duarte dias da Paz, Simon and Lewes Rodriguez da Susa, diego
Perez Cominho, and Manuel Martines Madina, hee saith and deposeth
that hee verily beleeveth that the said sugars and other goods were laden
aboard the said shipp at Lisbone the time arlate for the proper and
respective accompts of the said persons as in the said articles is declared
and soe much the rather for that hee hath received advises from them all (saving the said manoel Martines Madina who dwells at Lisbone)
to that purpose, and [?procurations] to persue the restitution thereof, and
withall attestations made by them upon oath before the Magistrate of
Amsterdam, declaring the said proprietie, (which attestations hee
leaveth for the further information of this Court
in the truth of the premisses) and having seene the bills of lading for
the same taken aboard the said shipp and remayning in the Registrie
of this Court. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the fifth and 6th articles and the said goods, and the 14 bills of lading therein
mentioned and nowe showed unto him, hee saith hee verily beleeveth the
said bills to be true and reall bills of lading for the said respective goods
and the contents thereof to be true and soe had and donne as therein is
expressed, for the reasons aforesaid, and for that the master of the
said shipp hessell Jacobsen Neef hath told and averred unto him
that they are the reall bills for the goods aforesaid, and were aboard
the said shipp at the time of her seizure by the Preston frigot, and
for that hee hath made strict inquisition both at London and
by letters beyond the seas to finde out if there were any fraud in the matter
or that the said goods were not really for the said accompts, but
still hee hath found and bin assured by all parties
that the said goods were really for the said accompts and not otherwise
And further hee cannot depose.
To the seaventh article hee saith and deposeth that it is usuall amongest
merchants trading betwixt Lisbone Amsterdam and Roane to cause bills of
lading for goods laden at Lisbone for Roane to be signed for the
deliverie of such goods at Amsterdam, although the shipp goes to Roane,
to the end that if the market for such goods proves not good at
Roane upon the said shipps arivall there, the factors at Roane may send
them in the same shipp (being a Hollander and soe retourning homewards whereby the freight will be [?XXX]
for Amsterdam if the market be there better for the same, and to
that effect they use to write to their said factors at Roane. And for
this reason and not otherwise hee beleeveth the goods arlate mentioned
in the bills of lading arlate were consigned in the said bills for Amsterdam,
The premisses hee deposeth having seene and bin