HCA 13/70 f.614r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.614r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


acquainted with severall examples thereof in the way of merchandizing,
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the eighth article hee saith hee hath by merchandizing correspondence
longe knowne the arlate Marcus Vallose, Antonio Correa Bravo, Jeronimo da
ffonseca da Miranda, and diego lopez da Torres as factors dwelling at Lisbone
whence hee saith their dispatches have bin from time to time dated, and that
the said Boeve of this deponents knowledge hath had dispatches
from and with them as factors of and for the ssaid Jeronimo Nunez da Costa,
and of diego ffernandez Lemos, and touching the arlate ffrancisco Cortes,
domingo da Silva, Ivan Gonsales da Britto, Luis dias ffr{?ance], Antonio
da Gamma Nunez, ffrancisco lopez [?Suero], and Christofer Lopez Manuel and
hee hath heard and verily beleeveth that they were and are alsoe factors
resident at Lisbone, and that they and the foresaid Marcus Vallaso.
Antonio Currea Bravo, Jeronimo da ffonseca da Miranda and
diego lopez da Tores were and are all subiects of the king of
Portugall, and for such hee saith they were and are coomonly
accompted and reputed, and to be the factors and correspondents of
the said paarties producent, as in the said article is deduced. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the nineth article hee saith and deposeth that hee alsoe well knoweth
the arlate Alfonso Swarez (named in eight of the said bills) by correspondance
and hath soe donne for theise three or foure yeares last, and from time
to time hath soe knowne him as a factor for Merchants of Amsterdam and
hamborowe, and never knew him trade for ought for his owne proper
accompt, and for such and in particular to be factor of and for the arlate
Jeronimo Nunez da Costa, diego ffernandez lemos, diego Baraza,
Andrew and Christofer Nunez and deiego Perez [?Comminho] hee was and
is commonly accompted and reputed, and to be a Portuguese by birth,
and saith hee liveth at Roane as a stranger and factor for dutchmen
and Portuguese, and thence going often to Paris, to sollicite dispatches for
dutchmen and Portuguese, and this deponent beleeveth him to be
a Portuguese and a stranger in ffrance, because in letters and dispatches which
this deponent hath received from him hee writes false french and
running upon the Portuguese language. And otherwise hee cannot

To the tenth article hee saith hee cannot depose.

To the eleaventh article hee saith that on severall parcells of goods which this
deponent hath knowne and seene to be for the accompt and adventure of
Jeronimo Nunez da Costa, hee hath seene theise severall following
makes, videlicet IN[?X]NJ. MPG and for the accompt of diego ffernandez da
Lemos, hee hath seene goods marked with theise markes LSD. DL and
for the accompt of duarte dias da Paz hee hath seene severall parcells
of goods marked DB. And for the accompt of Simon and Rodriguez da Sousa
goord marked S4SR. And for the accompt of diego Perez Caminho goods marked
AAD. AAE. and saith hee findeth the same markes in the bills of lading
remayning in Court for goods as aforesaid laden for their accompt; and saith hee knoweth
them to be their usuall and ordinary markes, and that hee hath seene goods of