HCA 13/70 f.528r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.528r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 6th Interrogatorie hee saith hee would give the victorie in this cause
onlt to those that have right thereto if it were in this deponents powere which for
the reasons aforesayd hee beleeveth belongeth to the ffeversham men And
to the rest of the sayd Interrogatories hee answereth negatively

To the 7th hee cannot answere./

To the 8th hee saith hee beleeveth there are other smale fish taken in
the places Interrogate and that by other fishermen beside
the Tennants of the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham, but beleeveth they
are fished privately and by stealth only, by such other fishermen who are
not of the sayd mannor and hundred, And further hee cannot answere/

To the 9th hee saith hee never heard of nor beleeveth any
such thing as is mentioned in this Interrogatorie./

Repeated before Collonel Cock and doctor

Robert Greenstreet [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


See the rest of the witnesses in

The 17th of October 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]

huntington and company against the Waterhound}

Examined upon the libell given in on the behalfe of
the sayd huntington.



Anthony Deane of Greenwich in the County of
Kent Shipwright aged twenty three yeares or thereabouts
a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet./

To the 8th and 9th articles of the sayd libell hee saith hee this deponent
well knoweth that in the moneth of September last past the arlate shipp
the William being commeing downe the River of Thames was soe leakie and
bruised that shee was not in a fitt capacitie to proceede to sea whereupon
her company did put her ashoare at the ballast Key at Greenewich, and
shee lyeing there the Master of her being the producent George huntington
did come to this deponent and desyred him to goe with him and view the sayd
shipp and to stopp her leakes and hurt shee had receaved, at least
soe much thereof as that shee might be in a Capacity to goe to her port of
Gainsborough whereto (as hee sayd) shee belonged, and this deponent went
with the sayd huntington to the ballast key and viewed the sayd shipp and
did perceive that shee had bin much wrunge and bruised and was
thereby verie leakie and unfitt to goe to sea till shee were in some measure amended and her leakes stopped (which bruses and hurt (as the sayd Master
and his Company told this deponent) were soe done by reason that a shipp
called the Waterhound had a little before at Tower wharfe layne on the
outside of the William and lusted inwards upon her and bruised and
crushed her in that manner as then shee was betwixt the sayd Waterhound and other
shipps lying there, whereupon this deponent did cause the sayd shipp to be brought