HCA 13/70 f.527v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 527 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/01/26 |
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To the 2 Inrterrogatorie hee saith hee hath knowne the place Interrogate forthese forty
yeaares last or neere thereabouts being borne neere ffeversham as is before expressed
and having lived in ffeversham and neere thereabouts all or the greatest part of his life
and saith the place Interrogate lyeth within the ebbing and flowing of the sea And [?further GUTTER]
hee beleeveth shipps of such burthen as is Interrogate cannot nor doe usually
ride there, and saith the sayd place is at high water neere upon a myle,
broade in some places from shoare to shoare and in some places lesse And to the
rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively
To the 3 hee saith hee hath divers tymes seene Courts kept for the Mannor
and hundred of ffeversham and saith only the tennants of that Mannor
and hundred use to serve on the Jury there and that hee hath knowne them
at the sayd Courts and as Jurie men thereof sett and appoint tymes when the
grounds in question should be layed in and when broken open and the offenders
against the sayd orders punished for the same in that Court, by the Syeward
and Jurie thereof, but saith hee was never at any Vice Admiralty Court held in
Kent nor of the Jury of such court
And further
saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere./
To the 4th hee answereth as aforesayd that fishermen of
Strowde and other places adiacent have privately and by stealth fished or
dredged for oysters in the places in question and some of them have
bin punished by the high Admirall of England or his deputies or other authority for soe doeing as
trsspassers against the Lords and Tennants of the Mannor and hundred of ffeversham
And further hee cannot answere to this Interrogatorie otherwise
then negatively having never heard any thing to the effect Interrogate./
To the 5th Interrogatorie hee saith hee can both write and reade and that hee
hath seene and read writings about twelve yeares since at Chatham
which sett forth the right of fishing in the places in
question to belonge to the Lords and Tennants of the hundred and
Mannor of ffeversham only, exclusive from all others, which writings
were then carried thither by Mr John Kennett the then Under Steward if the
sayd Mannor and hundred to shew to the Earle of Warwick then Lord high
Admirall of England and sitting then in person on purpose only about deciding
some differences betwixt the tennants of the sayd Mannor and hundred
of ffeversham, and some fishermen of Stroude who had contrary to
right fished for oysters upon the sayd grounds, And hee well
remembreth that the sayd Eaarle upon perusall of the sayd writing
did declare that the sayd ffishing did solely belonge to the hundred
and Mannor of ffeversham and the ffishermen the tennants thereof, and
commanded the sayd Strowde ffishermen to forbeare fishing on the
sayd grounds as they would answere to the contrary at their perill this hee deposeth of his owne sight hearing and knowledge
seeing the sayd writings and hearing the sayd Earle give Command as
aforesayd, And saith some of the sayd writings bore date about the
raigne of henry the seaventh or henry the eight and some of an older date
but the days of the moneths or yeares hee remembreth not And further hee cannot