HCA 13/70 f.451v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.451v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 2d hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition./

To the 3d hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof, not being present at the
buyeing of or payeing for the said sugars in question:/

To the 4th hee saith hee never sawe the persons interrate so far as hee knoweth.

To the 5th negatively

To the sixth hee referrreth to his foregoing deposition, and saith the interrate
Antonio Rodrigues de Morais is a married man and keepeth house
and family at Roane, and is a merchant and factor freely and without
any servitude acting for himselfe and his friends that are forraigners.

To the 7th hee referreth to his foregoing deposition And further otherwise
then negatively cannot depose.

To the 8th hee saith that for the reasons predeposed hee is fully
assured in Conscience that the sugars interrate doe wholely and
solely belong to the producents predeposed and to noe other person
or persons whatsoever.

To the 9th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof:

To the 10th: negatively, And further knoweth not:

To the 11th: hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof.

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin.

P. Scherembach [RH SIDE SIGNATURE]



The same day Examined upon the said Allegation:-/:-

Manoel Doreis Native of and resident in the
Citie of Lisbone aged 29. yeares or thereabouts a
Wittnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee doth
not personally knowe the arlate Manoel and Francis Derrickson but by
his familiar acquaintance with their factor and Correspondents at Lisbone in
Portugall well knoweth that persons soe named have paid and held Correspondence
in Commerce and Merchandizeing at Lisbone for about three yeares last past
of this deponents knowledge, during which time they have had and have their
Correspondents and Agents there as hereafter expressed. And otherwise
saving his subsequent deposition to which hee referreth hee cannot depose:

To the second hee sath that one Manuel Rodrigues ?Isidro a merchant
and factor at Lisbone and Correspondent of the said producents well knowne to this deponent did in
in the Month of June or July in the month of June or July in the yeare of 1654 last past lade aboard
the shipp called the Nightingale arlate at or neare foure Chests of sugar to be
transported in the said shipp to Roane in ffrance which hee, this deponent
knoweth for that hee saw the same carried in by barque aboard the said shipp by the said (?Isidro) [GUTTER]
direction, but how the same were marked or for whose accompt they ?? [GUTTER]
hee saith hee knoweth not. And further saith That at or about the
time predeposed one Visente de Basto a Factor and Merchant resident
at Lisbone did alsoe cause to bee laden aboard the said ship to be
transported as aforesaid and marked as in the Margent the goods and