HCA 13/70 f.452r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 452 |
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Karen Gunnell |
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merchandizes hereafter mentioned, that is to say five bales of matte, two barrils
0f alloes, a quantity of about fortie douzen of beades, some wax candles
and rolls of wax, but the weight hee knoweth not, two packetts of thread
and one great and one litle chest of earthenware or dishes being numbered
from 1. to 11. and all designed by the said laden to be transported the said
shipp to Roane and there delivered for the said producents accompt, to one Antonio Rodrigues de
Morais a Portugueze factor, or Merchant there resident, who was to have
disposed of the same for the said producents accompt, the premisses hee
knoweth, for that the said Disente de Basto did dispose of the said goods
before such their lading into this deponent's house at Lisbone in order to such
their transport, and thereby this deponent came acquainted with their markes and
qualities at aforesaid,and by frequent discourses with the said Disente
de Basto the lader, both before and after the Lading of the said goods, this deponent
came to knowe that the said goods were soe laden and designed by the said de Basto
and that they were bought with the proceed of a quantity of hatts and
buckramb formerly transmitted by the said producents from Hamburgh
to Lisbone to bee disposed of to their best advantage, and moreover this
deponent saw and perused some letters sent from the said producents jto the said
de Basto importing order and direction for the lading of goods in returne
0f the predeposed hatts and buchrams for their said factor: for their use. And
further cannot depose saving his foregoing deposition to which hee referreth.
To the third hee saith that shortly after the ladeing of the goods and
merchandizes predisposed by the said Disente de Basto, this deponent being
in this Companie at Lisbone saw a sworne broaker of that place bring some bills of
Lading and delivery same to the said de Basto telling that hee had
brought him the bills of lading signed for the said goods by the Masters of the
said shipp Nightingale, And further cannot depose.
To the 4th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition wherein hee hath
Declared soe much as hee knoweth as to the contents of this article.
To the 5th hee saith, that the arlate Antonio Rodrigues de Morais the
Consignatory aforesaid is a person well known to this deponent and is a
Merchant stranger liveing at Raone, but a native of Portugall, and
generally knowne and esteemed a Subject of the King of Portugall, and
of the said Kings Agent at Roane, where this deponent hath often seen and
conversed and corresponded with him in in merchandizing affaires. And
further cannot depose.
To the 6th hee saith that the said goods being soe imbarqued in the said shipp
Nightingale, she departed therewith bound for Roane, and that it is
publique and notorious that the said ship and Ladeing in their Course
surprised and taken at sea by some small shipp of shipps
of this Commonwealth and brough into England. And further hee cannot depose.
To the 7th hee saith hee knoweth not the arlate Manuel and Francis#