HCA 13/70 f.451r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.451r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and one great chest and a small chest of porceline or Earthen ware
all which goods wares and merchandizes this deponent at or about the time
aforesaid saw in the Custody and possession of the said Vicente de Basto
and saw the same afterwards upon the bay at Lisbone ready he be imbarqued
in the said shipp, and went and were (as the Said Visente de Basto constantly
said and affirmed to this deponent) for the said producents accompt and adventured
and so much this deponent: hath seene and observed in the booke of entries of the
said Visente de Basto, and thereby this deponent saith hee is fully convinced
that the propriety of the Said goods is wholely and soley inherent in the
said producents, And further, saving his subsequent deponent he cannot

To the third he saith That shortly after the lading of the said goods, this deponent being
in Companie with the said Visente de Basto at Lisbone, hee showed him
this deponent one or two bills of lading for the said goods by him the said de Basto
laden and marked at aforesaid, and firmed by the said Henry Glassam
which bills hee saith were according to the usuall Custome at Lisbone brought
unto the said de Basto by a sworne broaker thereunto especially employed
and further cannot depose:

To the fourth hee saith hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deponent, And
further or otherwise cannot depose, saving this deponent: saw and observed
quantitie of hatts and buckrams in the possess of the said Vicente de
Basto which hee declared to this deponent; were transmitted him by the said
producents from Hamburg to bee disposed of to and for their accompt
and best benefitt, and returne thereof to bee made according to their

To the 5th hee saith, That the said Antonio Rodriquez de Morais arlate
was and is a person well knowne to this deponent: and lived and liveth
as a Merchant stranger at Roane in France and was and is a Portuguese
borne and for a subject of the king of Portugall and as his Agent, there was and is commonly
reputed amongst Merchants, this deponent: having personally knowne and been
familiarly aquainted with him for about foure moneths last past in
which time this deponent; hath sojourned at Roane aforesaid:/

To the 6th hee, saith, That the said shipp and goods departed from Lisbone bound
for Roane, and were, as it is notorious, in their Course thitherwards seized
by some shipp or shipps of the Commonwealth and were brought to England
And further cannot be depose that hee was not in that voyage:/

To the 7th hee saith, that the arlate Manuel and francis Derrickson
were and are persons unknown to this deponent: otherwise then by constant
and common relation and repute at Lisbone whereby they were and
are generally esteemed Merchants inhabitant in Hamburgh, And Subjects
of that place. And further cannot depose:/

To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee hath lived in Portugall for some nine yeares last in
Portugall and formerly in ffrance, but was borne in Holsteyn at
aforesaid and bredd at Hamburgh. And otherwise negatively:/