HCA 13/70 f.432r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 432 |
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Ian Friel | |
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2015/01/09 |
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William Painter of debtford in the County of Kent
Mariner aged 30 yeares or thereabouts a witness sworne
And examined saith and deposeth as followeth vizt./
To the first second third 4th and 5th articles of the sayde allegation hee saith that
hee this deponent was went from England to Saint Lucar in Spaine in a vessel
called the Triall belonging to the port of London and saith that after his ~
arrivall there the shipp John and Elizabeth was towed in by two -
ffrench boates into the harbour of St Lucar, and this deponent sawe that the sayd vessell –
the John and Elizabeth then had her midshipp broken downe and her
mayne mast broken downe and lost and her bolspritt broken downe and lost, and
her Mizzen Mast broken, a peece whereof was left and sett in plcae opf a mayne
maste to bring her the better through the sea into harbour, And saith that
at such her comming into harbour shee had only
her Master and one man more and a boy on board her, and saith shee was -
then in such a tattered condition that shee had much a doe to [live?] and –
get safe into harbour, and could not possibly in that condition have gone to –
the Canaries, or any other place but what it should please God to drive her
unto, And saith that by Common reporte at Saint Lucar amongst merchants and
Seamen here. shee came to that disaster by reason of a great storme
which drave a certain shipp called the Supply (whereof as it was
sayd one fflute was Master) fowle of the sayd shipp the John and
Elizabeth and brake her midshipp and Mastes in manner as this deponent
hath expressed [hee?] sawe them at her comming to Saint Lucar, and [hee?] hath [also?] heard by the like common reporte that
all the Company of the sayd shipp John and Elizabeth upon such her disaster –
forsooke her (except the Master and one other man who was [mate?] and Pylott of her and a boy) and went with the Supplye aforesayde and this deponent –
well knoweth and sawe that at her comming to Saint Lucar there was noe more company on
board save the Master (who was sick) and the sayd Pylott and a boy, so that the sayd vessell
was in a very hazardous and dangerous condition, and by like publique report
the sayd vessell lay beating up and downe the sea in that broken and shattered condition
about sixteen dayes after shee was soe deserted of her company –
he saith the sayd shipp John and Elizabeth might [plainely?] be seen by [shee?] was a vere stronge ligh[t?] vessell and her –
belea[veth?] if shee had not [bin light shee must have foundered in the sea, having noe Crewe helpe on board her)
shattered as aforesayd. And further to these articles hee cannot exprese saving
X then it appeared shee
and having receaved such
preiudice by the sayde ship
falling fowle of her and
breaking her Midshipp as
foresayd /
To the 6th and 7th and 8th articles he saith that he this deponent did not see
the goods which came in the vessell the John and Elizabeth to Saint Lucar un laded
or delivered but hath heard they were delivered to the
arlates - Mr Watts and Mr Probie and saith that he knoweth that the articulate:
Kee[ne?] had hyred two dutch men and a Scotch man to serve
as Mariners in his sayd shipp (but whether to goe to Palma he knoweth
not) and saith that the English Consull at Saint Lucar did in the behalfe of
the sayd Keene speake to this deponent to serve as mate and Pylott in the sayd shipp
this deponent told him he would not serve in her to noe place
but for Englande where upon the said Consull willed this deponent
to goe on board her and told him shee should goe for England and this deponent
accordingly went aboard her and found the sayd two dutch men and a Scotch
man a board her and soon after this deponent comming aboard the sayd two