HCA 13/70 f.432v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.432v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


dutch men and Scotch man (aftre they or some of them had broken open thee –
Masters Cabbin and robbed him of what moneys hee had there) ranne
away, and the sayd Keene not being able to get any mariners that
would proceede on the voyage to Palma
hyrede certaine mariners who belonged to a shipp called
the Anne Pinke of Bristoll and was cast away neere St Lucar, to serve
in her as mariners to the port of London, for that they refused to serve
in her for any other place, And further hee cannot depose saving
that the sayd vessell did accordingly come from Saint Lucars to London
this deponent served in her as Pylott and Masters Mate of her thither and
thereby he knoweth the premisses. . /

To the 9th saving his foregoing deposition he cannot depose./

To the 10th he saith hee knoweth the articulates Mr Probie and Mr Watts
and saith they are English merchants and of good Accompt and repute
in Saint Lucar articulate and farther saving his foregping deposition hee
cannot depose./

To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory hee saith hee cometh to testifie and hath of his –
knowledge at the request of Mr Keene the [perducent?] and that hee was
only one of the Company of the Shipp John and Elizabeth in her voyage
hoewards from St Lucar to London and hath noe relation to the sayd
Keene save that hee [was?] his Mate and Pilott of the sayd Shipp in her
homewards voyage. And otherwise negatively./

To the 2 hee saith he knoweth that the sayd vessell John and Elizabeth was
In some measure fitted and repayred at Saint Lucars and did take a –
freight for London for that none of her company there hyred would goe in her
to any other place, and saith in this deponents Judgment shee was not
soe fitt to have gone to Palma from as to London, for that
she wanted many things fitting –
to have gone to Palma, by reason the voyage is more dangerous
for fear of the turkey piratts and men of warr and other perils incident
thereto And further hee cannot answere not being of her company
in her voyage from London to Saint Lucar.

Repeated before Doctor Clarke./



The sayd James Chadwick to the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory he saith hee cometh to be a witness at the request of the ~
[producent?] Mr Keyne and saith hee is noe way related to him saving hee served
in the shipp Interrogate as a Common Mariner in her voyage home from Saint
Lucar to London, and was noe none of her company in her voyage from London to Saint Lucar

To the second Interrogatory hee saith the sayd vessell Interrogate was in some –
measure repaired at Saint Lucar and did there take in a freight for London
and saith hee beleaveth the sayd vessell was as able to have gone from
Saint Lucars to Palma with the goods Interrogate as to have come for London if –
Mariners could have bin procured at Saint Lucar to have gone thither but he saith
that all the mariners belonging to her [prefesed?] to goe in her to any place [but? gutter] to
London which was the reason as hee verily beleaveth the sayd Keyne could not
Proceede in his voyage to Palma. And further to this Interrogatorie hee