HCA 13/70 f.354r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.354r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


On the ninth of August 1655 [CENTRE HEADING]

Alderman ffredericke against}
Ashwin. Budd Colequit}

Upon an articulate allegation given in
and admitted on ffredericks behalfe.

Budd dt.


Robert Brett of Wapping in the County
of Middlesex Mariner, where he hath lived about 18
yeares, aged about 31 yeares, a wittnes produced
and sworne and being examined he deposeth as followeth

On the first, second, third and fowrth and the other articles
of the said allegation he cannot say or depose more then followeth
that is, that he well knew a shipp called sometimes the Dolphin
and sometimes the Prince Arthur, which said shipp lay
at Dartmouth in the yeare 1654 but he cannot remember the time when he the
deponent being putt in possession of the sayd shipp by one Thomas
Cowell, Arthur Ottoway and John Greene, this deponent
being in possession therof for their use did receive a letter
from the sayd Thomas Cowell to deliver or surrender up
the sayd shipp to Mr Wheeler the then Mayor of Dartmouth
for the use of Alderman ffrederick the party producent
as of the sayd Wheeler, which he the deponent did accordingly
And further he cannot depose Saving that the very
vessell by him predeposed of and named the Dolphin alias
the Prince Arthur, is the very vessell controverted for
between the partyes litigant The which he well knoweth
for that he the deponent was on board her on (sic) yesterday
in the River of Thames by Saint Catherines And
further he cannot depose./


To the Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]

Colquite dt.

To the first Interrogatory he answereth that to his knowledge he
never saw the interrate Alderman ffederick in his life, and
that he wisheth the victory to him that hath most right
And further he cannot answeare.

To the second Interrogatory he answereth that the shipp interrate is
between three and fourescore Tonns, And further then referring
himselfe to his deposition he cannot answeare.

To the third and fourth and the rest of the Interrogatoryes he
answereth (they being read unto him) that they doe not
concerne him at all, and that he cannot answeare

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin./



The nineth day of August 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

Alderman ffrederick against}
Ashwyn. Budd. Colequite.}

Upon an articulate allegation given in and
admitted on the said Ashwyns behalfe./

Colquite dt. 1)

Philip Luxon of Bidlefored nigh Barnestable
in the County of Devon Mariner, aged about
47 yeares a wittnes produced and sworne and being