HCA 13/70 f.281v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.281v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 6th Article hee saith and deposeth, That in or about the
moneth of October or November 1653 last past, hee this deponent being in the
house of James Bampford not long before his death, hee the said
Bampford acknowledged and affirmed to this examinate, That the said
humphrey Burr had 1/16th part in and of the said shipp the
Joshua (whereof the said Bampford then was Master) and in and of
her tackle apparrell and furniture, and that the said Bampford
then also acknowledged that there were some monies in his hands
due for freight to the said Burr for and in Consideration of the said
1/16th parts imployment hee also saith, That the said Peter Tatam did
in his life time also acknowledge to this deponent That the said
humphrey Burr was Owner and Proprietor of a part of the said
shipp the hanniball but expressed not of how much, nor of any
moneys due to the said Burr upon that accompt. hee also saith That
since the death of the said James Bampford and Peter Tatam their
bookes of accompts being perused and adjusted by Giles Lawrence and
Captaine William haddock their respective Successors in the Command
of the said respective shipps, it is found and appeareth by the same
that the said Burr had in their respective lifetimes 1/16 part in the said
shipp Joshua, and 1/32th part in the said shipp hannibal, and that
thereby there appeared monies to be due upon freight to the said
humphrey Burr upon the said accompts, As by the said respective
bookes of Accompts (relation being thereunto had) doeth and may
appeare. And further cannot depose./

To the last hee saieth his foregoeing deposition is true./



The same day Examined upon the said Allegation./ [CENTRE HEADING]


Allen Reynardson of the parish of Saint Michael
in the Royall London Merchant aged 59. yeares
or thereabouts a Wittnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet:-

To the first second third and 4th articles of the said Allegation hee saieth
and deposeth, That in the moneths of July August September and
October 1649. allate the allate Abraham Reynardson was the true
and Lawful; Owner of One hundred and fiftie peeces of Bayes, which
hee in some or one of the said moneths in the yeare aforesaid caused to
be laden in and aboard the shipp the Peter of London whereof Joseph
dobbins was Master to be transported from London to Lisbone and
there to be delivered to and disposed of by the allate humphrey