HCA 13/70 f.281r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.281r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first second and third Articles of the said Allegation hee saith
and deposeth, That in the moneths of July August September October
and November 1649. allate, the Allate Abraham Reynaldson was Lawfull
Owner and Proprietor of One hundred and fiftie peeces of Bayes, which hee
the said Reynaldson in or about the moneths of August or September in the yeare aforesaid
caused to be laden in a shipp named the Peter of London, whereof one Joseph
dobbins was Master to be transported from this Port of London to Lisbone on
Portugall, and there to be delivered to the allate humphrey Burr then
and there ffactor and Correspondent to and of the said Abraham Reynardson
to be sold or disposed of by the said Burr for the proper accompt of the said
producent, And saith the said shipp the Peter of London gaving received
the said goods aboard her upon the designe aforesaid did in the moneth
of September in the yeare 1649. aforesaid, sett saile and proceed with the
same out of the River of Thames for Lisbone, where shee not long after
safely arrived, and after such her arrivall the said One hundred and fiftie
peeces of bayes were delivered to the said humphrey Burr for the accompt
aforesaid, who sould and disposed of the same for and at the rate and full
valew of One Thousand seaven hundred and eleaven pounds and seaven
pence or thereabouts And so much the said humphrey Burr both by letter of advise
and by accompt or factorie hath confessed and acknowledged to be true. The
premisses hee this examinate deposeth to be reall and true, And for reasons
of his knowledge thereof saith, That hee this deponent was domestique servant
to the said Abraham Reynaldson when the goods aforesaid were by his order
and direction provided and bought, and when the same were laden
aboard the said shipp Peter for the accompt and upon the designe aforesaid
And having both then and before and ever since had relation to the
said Abraham Reynaldson and being well acquainted with his Merchan-
dizing affaires hath seene and perused a letter or letters and an accompt from
the said Burr to the effect predeposed. And further cannot depose.

To the 4th hee saith, That the said humphrey Burr since his sale and
disposall of the goods aforesaid hath made noe manner of payment or
satisfaction to the said producent for the valew of the same, but hath
since absented and still doth absent himselfe and delayeth to make any such
payment or satisfaction. Which the premisses this deponent well knoweth upon the
grounds and reason premised. And further cannot depose./

To the 5th article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That hee this
deponent in the name and behalf of the said Abraham Reynardson procured
the said 1/16th part of the shipp Joshua and 1/32th part of the shipp hannibal
arlate to be arrested by Vertue of an Order from this Court, which this
deponent saw executed and performed, And otherwise referreth himselfe to
the Acts and proceedings of this Court./

To the