HCA 13/70 f.155r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.155r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


upon the said Voyage payed unto the said Mr Rouse his servant the summe
of fifty pounds sterling for and upon that accompt, in part of payment and
satisfaction for the said twelfth part; And as to the schedule annexed and
now perused by him hee saith, That forasmuch as this deponent hath had
the said schedule or indenture of sale in his Custody for about three yeares
last past, and hath during that time often compared the subscriptions
thereunto made with the letters of advice of and from the said Alderman John
ffrederick and Thomas Rowse sent to the said George hughes and seene
and diligently observed by this deponent hee is fully assured in Conscience
that the said schedule was really and truely signed sealed and delivered
(to the use and effect therein and thereby expressed) by the said Alderman
ffrederick and Thomas Rowse, and that the Contents thereof were
ad are reall and true and so had and done as therein is conteyned. And
otherwise (referrring himselfe to the said schedule) hee saith hee cannot
further depose./:

To the 11th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof:/

To the 12th article and schedule annexed hee saith, That upon or about the 24th day of July in
the yeare 1652. arlate, the said shipp the Thomas Bonadventure being
arrived at Zant, immediately upon such her arrivall, one George
ffarington a Merchant there then residing came aboard the said shipp
Thomas Bonadventure, and delivered the said schedule or letter of advise
annexed unto the said George hughes aboard his said shipp, which the said
George hughes having perused delivered the same unto this deponent who
also then reas and perused it, and hath since had and kept the said letter
in his Custody till the same was by him brought to be exhibited in this Court
And saith That the said letter of advise was and is writtena nd subscribed by George
Norleigh for and in the name of himselfe and Robert Constable his
Consort ffactors and agents to and for the said Alderman ffredericke, [?ThXXXX]
Rouse and Companie, Which this deponent knoweth for that this deponent
in the name and by the order of the said George hughes not long after the
receipt of the said letter of advise returned an answer therunto to the said
Norleigh and Constable, who againe returned a letter to the said George
hughes in confirmation of the former, and thereby and
by the observation of frequent letters from the said Norleigh and Constable and
their usuall manner of writeing firme and subscription, this deponent is fully
assured of the trueth of the premisses, And further saving his subsequent
depositions hee cannot depose./

To the 13th hee saith and deposeth, That at and about the time arlate
videlicet about the latter end of May and beginning of June 1652. there
were in the said Port of Ciprus, the Mary
Rose of London, Captaine Poole Commander and the Richard and William
Captaine Wese commander being Marchant shipps and laden and
ready to depart, which stayed expressely there to attend the Convoy
aforesaid for their security of this deponents sight and knowledge, as the
said shipp the Thomas Bonadventure also did; and that in their