HCA 13/70 f.155v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.155v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


passage from Ciprus one other shipp called the William and Thomas
Captaine William knight Commannder came from Smyrna and joyned
with the said Convoy and Merchants shipps. The premisses hee deposeth upon
the grounds aforesaid. And further cannot depose./

To the 14th hee saith, That about the moneths of January or ffebruary 165[?3]
English stile the said shipp the Thomas Bonadventure was at Porto [?Longone]
taken up to serve this Commonwealth, and at the same time there were 6.
other Merchant shipps belonging to London the lyeing at Porto Longone and Legorne, videlicet
the Sampson, the Mary, the Peregrine, the Levant Marchant, the
William and Thomas and the Mary Rose all which were at the same time
by authority of this Commonwealth taken upp for and into the said employment
And saith That upon such the takeing up of the said shipps, the Thomas
Bonadventure, and the Mary Rose, and the William and Thomas
they departed in Companie from Porta Longone to Porta fferrara, where
they all discharged their respective ladeings, And saith That after such their
discharge, the Masters or Pursers of the said shipps the Mary Rose and
William and Thomas had and received their whole fraights due for the
Voyages by them respectively made, as if they had come to and discharged
in England, And so much the Pursers of the said shipps certified to and
acquainted this deponent withall, and so much this deponent observed by and in
their bookes of accompts, which by reason of his familiaritie with the
said Pursers by name William Porter and William Poole, this deponent had
free accesse to peruse and observe at Legorne aforesaid, and so much
this deponent not long after observed and saw in the bookes of accompts of the
English ffactors resident at Ligorne, And further saith That
(upon the adjusting of accompts with George Norleigh and Robert Constable
factors at Ligorne to and for the said Alderman ffredericke, Chewne and
Companie) hee this deponent received from the said Norleigh Constable and
other English ffactrs there the full freight due for such goods as were
delivered to them or their order at Porta fferrara out of the said shipp
being goods belonging to severall Merchants and not to the said shipps freighters
which freight this deponent received as fully as if the said goods had been
delivered at this Port of London. The premisses hee deposeth knowingly
upon the grounds and reasons predeposed. And further cannot depose./:

To the 15th article hee saith and deposeth, That during the time the said
shipp Bonadventure was and remained at Cyprus aforesaid the arlate
Roger ffowke and Richard Chewne factors and agents of and for the
said ffrederick and Companie, not having goods and Merchandizes of the said
ffrederick and Companie sufficient for the full freighting of the said
shipp, did cause Cotton woolls and other goods belonging to severall other
Merchants to be then and there laden aboard the same, amounting to about 20
or 30. Tonns, as this deponent remembreth, the said Richard Chewne having alsoe formerly
at Scanderoone caused a certaine quantitie of Merchandizes to be laden
(in the