HCA 13/70 f.154v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.154v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


or any the enemies predeposed. All which hee saith was and is publique
and notorious. The premises hee knoweth upon the grounds and reasons by
him predeposed. And further to theise articles hee cannot depose, saving
this deponent whilest the said ship Thomas Bonadventure remained at
Ciprus as aforesaid, was Credibly informed, That the arlate Roger
ffowke then and now English Consull at Ciprus (being demanded by the
said George hughes how the said ship should be ordered as concerning
her then intended Voyage) answered that hee must for that apply himnselfe
to the said Mr Richard Chewne and observe his order therein, or to that
effect, but the said words or discourse this deponent saith he heard not./

To the 8thand 9th hee saith, That during such time as the saud
ship remained at Ciprus as aforesaid in expectation to goe thence with
Capatine Bodiloe's Convoy, there was no protest made against the said
George hughes by the said Roger ffowke William Chewne or any
other, for not departing without or before the said Convoy, for that, as this
deponent saith, if any such Protest had beene made, the said shipps Companie
or at least this deponent then Purser of the said ship and brother to her
Commander should in all probability have had notice and intelligence
thereof, which hee saith hee never had or heard the least rumor thereof.
And saith That by and according to the use and Custome received
amongst Merchants, protests are usually made by Merc hants and factors
having the power and disposal of shipps, against Masters of shipps that
disobey their orders and directions, And if such protests in such Case are
not made, then the Master or Masters of such shipps are presumed not to
be disobedient or culpable. And so much hee saith is publique and
notorious amongst Merchants factors and Masters of shipps. And
further cannot depose./

To the 10th article and schedule thereunto annexed, and nowe seene and perused
by this examinate hee saith and deposeth, That upon or about the third
day of November in the yeare 1651. arlate, The arlate Alderman
ffrederick and Thomas Rowse two of the principall freighters of the
said ship the Thomas Bonadventure by an indenture of sale and
assignment dated the third day of November in the yeare aforesaid did sell
assigne and sett over unto the said George hughes one twelfth part
of the Cargo of goods wares and merchandizes to be laden in the
said ship upon her then intended Voyage for Legorne, and thereby the
said Alderman ffrederick and Thomas Rous made and declared the
said George hughes a twelfth part freighter of the said ship together
with them upon the said designe, Which the premises this deponent well
knoweth for that the said Alderman ffrederick and Thomas Rous
have sewerall times after the said agreement or Indenture of sale so made
acknowledged so much unto this deponent who by order and in the name
of the said George hughes, before the said ship proceeded from [?hence ?to