HCA 13/68 f.420r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 420 |
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Nga Phan-Bellis | |
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2015/07/26 |
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that she the sayd shipp Sampson receyved severall quantities of goods on board
her att Genoa to be transported in her to Cadiz before this deponent departed
from Genoa. And he hath credibly heard that she afterwards videlicet about
June 1652 did accordingly arrive att Cadiz under Command of the
sayd Otto George, who then was and continually since hath bene Master
of her for and on the behalfe of the sayd Vincent van Campen John
de Windt and Company the foresayd owners of the sayd shipp. And
otherwise cannot depose.
To the sayd cross Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
Row dt
To the 1. he saith he was borne att Hamburgh and there hath lived all his tyme
and now hath his wife howse and family there and otherwise negatively
To the 2. he saith he was not aboard the sayd shipp Sampson at the tyme of
her surprizeall by the ffrench, and hath heard as well by letters of advise
as by the confession of the sayd Otto George that the sayd shipp was att Tholone
condemned as lawfull prize. and further or otherwise having his
foregoeing depositions he cannot depose.
To the 3. he saith he was not att Tholone the tyme aforesayd, but by the meanes
aforesayd came to understand that the sayd shipp remayned att Tholone about
2 monethes that is to say from december 1651 to ffebruary 1652 new stile.
and saith that he this deponent continued att Genoa from January 1652
new stile about 3 monethes, and the sayd Otto George came in his person
to Genoa in January 1652. and there stayd of this respondents
sight about 3 monthes and for sometyme after, this respondent leaving him
and his sayd shipp there as aforesayd. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the 4th he saith he knoweth not the name of the partie or parties who sold
the sayd shipp to Otto George after she had bene taken by the ffrench and
condemned, nor who are parties to the sayd bill of sale;.
To the 5th he saith the foresayd merchants of Genoa did not pay or deliver
the sayd moneyes to Otto George, but sent an expresse Messenger of their
Owne to pay the [sume] att Tholone but [?nehther] the sayd Messenger carryed
moneyes with him thither or tooke the [sume] upp att Tholone by bill of exchange
or letter of [Curdil] or otherwise knoweth not. and otherwise he saith he
cannot depose.
To the 6. he saith he cannot depose otherwise than as aforesayd, saving that
the sayd Jacomo Maria and Thomaso van Harten are Italians and
so accounted.
To the 7. he saith he knoweth well Vincent van Campen, John de Windt
ffrederick Bevin daniel de Leon and ffrancisco [Penningne] but Joseph
and ffrancisco Pevalti he knoweth onely by fame and report. And saith
he saw the sayd van Campen, de Windt and Bevin att Cadiz in Aprill
1652. but that respondent departed from Cadiz before the Sampson arrived there, And
he hath credibly heard that the sayd Vincent Campen and his sayd fellow Owners
did att their owne Costs sett forth the sayd shipp this last voyage from Cadiz. And
further cannot depose.
To the 8th Interrogatory he saith he last saw Daniel de Leon att Sevilia in the
yeare 1648. and remembereth not when he last saw ffrancisco Pennings. and
knoweth not whether he hath seene Don Joseph and ffrancis Pevalti or not nor
knowing their presence. And saith he last saw Vincent van Capen, John
de Windt and ffrederick Bevin in June last past 1653 att Cadiz
And saith he knoweth that the sayd Vincent van Campen is a Correspondant
Otto George, Master/Captaine of the Sampson
Vincent van Campen, part-owner of the Sampson
John de Windt, part-owner of the Sampson
Jacomo Maria, Italian merchant
Thomaso van Harten, Italian merchant
ffrederick Bevin, part-owner of the Sampson
daniel de Leon, part-owner of the Sampson
ffrancisco Pennings / [Penningne], part-owner of the Sampson
Don Joseph, part-owner of the Sampson