HCA 13/68 f.420v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.420v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the sayd Genoa merchants and so accounted and that he does [?make]
busines for them att Cadiz and that divers attempts are made and
kept between the sayd parties in the way of merchants, and hath heard
the sayd Vincent Van Campen declare that the sayd moneyes were satisfyed [?to]
the sayd Genoeses. and hath likewise heard him and the sayd Windt and [?Bevia]
say that they had and did accept of the sayd redeeming of the sayd shipp in [?the]
manner as aforesayd. and more particularly to this Interrogatory he saith
he cannot depose. saving that he was att Genoa in March and
Aprill last past [165?3] and was severall tymes in the Company of the foresayd
Jacomo Maria and Thomaso van Harten having receyved severall
parcells of goods from them aboard his shipp Hope, and then and
there upon occasion of discourse touching the foresayd passages heard
them say and declare that they were fully satisfyed the foresayd
12 thousand peices of 8/8 of and from the sayd Vincent Van Campen
and Company.

Hinrick H. Martens


The 2d day of January 1653 [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of fferdinando Numez}
for his wools in the Saint George}

Examined upon the sayd allegation.

Sr Mender dt


ffrancisco Lopez of Sevilia in Spayne [merchant]
aged 21 yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined deposeth and saith as follow

To the first and second article of the sayd allegation this deponent saye
that having occasion of merchandizing busines att Cadiz in Spaine
in the Summer 1652 where he stayd for severall moneths, he did
within that tyme see a servant of the arlate fferdinando Numez
a merchant of Sevilia who this deponent hath knowne for about [?11 yeares]
now past there living in the possession of the woolls now claymed in
severall boates in the bay of Cadiz, that is to say of 46 sackes of [feXXX?]
[? Law bd] wooll marked with the first marke in the margent. and


allso of 110 sackes of washed wooll marked with the second marke
in the margent, and saith he saw the sayd boates and woolls safely


arrive att and lye by the side of the arlate shipp Saint George [?]
videlicet toward the Later end of July, and this deponent afterwards [?was]
att the ladeing of the sayd sergant of fferdinando Numez [?felt]
into distence with him, who then and
there told this deponent that the sayd woolls were the woolls of his [sayd]
Master and that he had brought them from Sevilia and [?]
lading them aboard John Martins for his masters account,
consigned to Ostend for Gaspar Lorenzo of Antwerpe for the use of [?his]
said master, and this deponent afterwards saw bill : of lading for
both the sayd parcell in the hands of the sayd Numez his servant [?]
the premisses did likewise appeare: one saith that for the consent
aforesayd and for that the sayd fferdinando Numez is a merchant of [?]
driving a constant trade in woolls from Sevilia to fflanders, he is well
assured that in July September and October 1652. the sayd fferdinando [?Numez]
was and now is the sole and lawfull owner of the sayd woolls and that [those]
were laden att or about the tyme aforesayd consigned as aforesayd for [his]
sole use accompte and Risgo. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the third article of the sayd allegation he saith that after the premisses [XX in ?after]
the beginning of September 1652. he this deponent saw in the [hand]



Jacomo Maria, Italian merchant
Thomaso van Harten, Italian merchant
Vincent Van Campen, part-owner of the Sampson
Windt, part-owner of the Sampson
Hinrick Martens, captaine of the Hope
fferdinando Numez, merchant of Sevilia
ffrancisco Lopez of Sevilia in Spayne [?merchant], aged 21 yeares or thereabouts

John Martins








woolls (46 sackes of [feXXX?] [? Law bd] wooll & 110 sackes of washed wooll)