HCA 13/68 f.419v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.419v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


goods, and being bound with the same to Genoa and being in her
Course for Genoa in December 1651 was taken and surprized by
the ffrench and carryed into Tholone and there in fact adiudged
for prize, was afterwards by the sayd Otto George then [?and]
of her for himselfe and for the use of Vincent van Campen
John de Windt ffrederick Bevan, Daniel de Leon, ffrancisco
[?Pennincg?r] Don Joseph and ffrancisco Peralti and Company
who then were owners thereof, redeemed att Tholone of the
ffrench men who tooke her for the summe or value of XV thousand
peices of 8/8. the premisses this deponent knoweth to be true for
that being att Alicant in the sayd moneth of december [?165?2] he then
heard of the premisses by letters of advise from Tholone, and
further saith that in the moneth of January 1652 newstile [= JAN 1653 MODERN STYLE]
he this deponent sayled with his vessel the Hope from Allicant
to Genoa and after some stay there, the arlate Otto George came
thither and acquainted this deponent with the passages aforesayd, and
that he had left his shipp att Tholone, and was come to Genoa
to procure the sayd XV thousand peices of 8/8 the price of his sayd
shipps redemption, And saith that Jacomo Maria, and Thomaso
van Harten merchants of Genoa did of the certaine knowledge
of this deponent furnish the sayd Otto George with the said 12000 pieces of 8/8
to and for the redemption of his sayd shipp for the use aforesaid, and
that the sayd money was really payd att Tholone for the use and
accompt aforesayd which he knoweth as well by the relation of the
sayd merchants and Otto George the tyme aforesayd, as for that he
knoweth that the sayd merchants sent an expresse Messenger from
Genoa to Tholone to make the sayd payment, which Messenger that
deponent afterwards videlicet in ffebruary 1652 new stile saw
safely arrive from Tholone to Genoa by in and with the sayd shipp
and heard him upon his such arrivall say and declare that he had
made payment of the sayd redemption money for and to the use
and accompt aforesayd, and saith that by letters of advise which
he this deponent saw and perused he knoweth that the sayd Vincent van
Campen John de Vindt and Company did accept of the sayd transaction the
sayd Otto George in their names made at Tholone, and well knoweth that he
saye Vincent van Campen being an Inhabitant of Cadiz and a [?great/?good]
correspondent of the sayd Genoa Merchants did severall monethes [?before]
October 1652 satisfy the sayd Genoa merchants for the sayd 12000 pieces of 8/8 on
the behalfe of himselfe and fellow Owners aforesayd, and so much this deponent
being att Cadiz in the summer 1652. and before October of the same yeare
heard the sayd Vincent van Campen expressely say and declare. And further
cannot depose saving that the parties before mentioned for owners
[of the sayd shipp were the tyme aforesayd commonly reputed the lawfull owners]
thereof, and saving that he knoweth not that the heyres of Peter [?XXXX]
have sold the Interest they had in the sayd shipp to Cornelius Leman.

To the second Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that after the sayd Redemption
of the sayd shipp the sayd shipp sett sayle from
Tholone aforesayd towards Genoa, where this deponent saw her arrive
there abide under the Command and possession of the sayd Otto George and his
shipps Company in the name and for and on the behalfe of the sayd Vincent
Van Campen and others the foresayd owners and saith that he this deponent
about Aprill 1652 sett saile with his shipp the Hope from Genoa to Cadiz
and left the sayd Otto George with the Sampson arlate att Genoa, and he



Vincent van Campen, one of the owners of the Sampson in 1651-1652, Inhabitant of Cadiz and a correspondent of the sayd Genoa Merchants (i. e. Jacomo Maria & Thomaso van Harten)
John de Windt/Vindt, one of the owners of the Sampson in 1651-1652
ffrederick [?Bevan], one of the owners of the Sampson in 1651-1652
Daniel de [?Loon], one of the owners of the Sampson in 1651-1652
ffrancisco [?Pennincg?r], one of the owners of the Sampson in 1651-1652
Don Joseph, one of the owners of the Sampson in 1651-1652
ffrancisco Peralti, one of the owners of the Sampson in 1651-1652
[Cornelius Leman] - new part-owner of the Sampson
Peter [?XXX] - deceased part-owner of the Sampson

Otto George, captaine of the Sampson

Jacomo Maria, merchant of Genoa

Thomaso van Harten, merchant of Genoa



Tholone (Toulon)

